--- Log opened Sun Jun 17 00:00:01 2018 00:00 < yakiza> MrElendig: you mean dmesg 00:00 < revel> No prob. 00:00 < MrElendig> dmesg and wpa:supplicant logs 00:01 < MrElendig> also, what hardware is this? 00:01 < Ameisen> Otherwise, trying to figure out if there's a way to get bvterm support in Linux... 00:01 < MrElendig> some have known buggy hardware encryption etc 00:01 < Ameisen> or is it only implemented in the btivise tools... 00:01 < Ameisen> mreh 00:02 < jim> MrElendig, it looks like yakiza has the right stuff installed, according to the debian wiki 00:02 < yakiza> MrElendig: Broadcom Limited BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01) 00:02 < yakiza> MrElendig dmesg | grep wpa or supplicant doesnt spit out nothing 00:03 < MrElendig> right stuff installed doesn't always mean correctly configured though :p 00:03 < MrElendig> yakiza: don't grep, read it 00:03 < yakiza> alright 00:03 < MrElendig> and connecting by hand instead of using wicd is a good way to get more useable logs out of wpa_supplicant 00:04 < MrElendig> sidenote: dmesg -H unless ancient util-linux 00:04 < yakiza> MrElendig: can you send the codes for that if its easy for you ? 00:04 < MrElendig> wpa_supplicant -B -i iface -c <(wpa_passphrase 'essid' 'passphrase') 00:04 < jim> yakiza, plus, what's your wireless access point configured to do? 00:04 < MrElendig> will have to stop wicd first 00:05 < MrElendig> and kill any existing wpa_supplicant sessions running 00:05 < MrElendig> using broadcom-wl or the other driver btw? 00:06 < MrElendig> well, cypress-wl now :p 00:07 < yakiza> MrElendig: i googled the exact model of mine and there was a seperate tutorial on debian for mine and few other and i followed that 00:08 < MrElendig> there are two different drivers for it 00:08 < syb0rg> so which entry level linux certification do you guys think is most valuable? 00:09 < yakiza> MrElendig: https://wiki.debian.org/wl 00:09 < yakiza> wl 00:11 < MrElendig> syb0rg: too little info to answer 00:11 < MrElendig> depends on what you are going for, and how you define "valuable" 00:11 < syb0rg> well being a sysadmin interests me, does that help MrElendig 00:11 < syb0rg> valuable meaning looks good on a resume 00:11 < MrElendig> most of them aren't worth the email they are written in 00:12 < Alpha-Omega> Hello, running a script locally that runs commands on a remote server with SSH. For some reason an echo of a variable doesn't return anything, but if I SSH manually and run it, the echo outputs correctly. 00:12 < MrElendig> when it comes to actual skill level 00:12 < syb0rg> yeah, I can believe that 00:12 < MrElendig> if you just want CV padding, get the 3-4 most common ones 00:12 < Alpha-Omega> latest=$(ls | awk -F"_|-" '{ print $10 }' | tail -n 1) 00:12 < syb0rg> seems reasonable I suppose 00:12 < yakiza> MrElendig: wpa_supplicant -B -i interface -c rooter1 123456 like this? 00:12 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: never do that 00:13 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: use find(1) 00:13 < Alpha-Omega> MrElendig: How would I run commands and grab variables then, if I need them locally? 00:13 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: https://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs 00:13 < syb0rg> thanks for the input MrElendig. 00:13 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: in addition to that yours will break depending on locale settings 00:13 < V7> MrElendig: Found some same situation ( might be ): https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1238674#p1238674 00:14 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: sadly in bash/sh getting the newest file is quite messy 00:14 < V7> It describes the same as here 00:14 < Alpha-Omega> MrElendig: Well find won't work, because there are several files with the same type of alphanumerical number, but there may be two of those type of files for one date. 00:14 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: find -printf + sort will work 00:14 < V7> With ALC880 it shows all column in alsamixer, but sound doesn't work. Only speaker burps each ~5 seconds 00:15 < MrElendig> Alpha-Omega: personally I would not use a shellscript though 00:15 < Alpha-Omega> MrElendig: So like there may be file1-haadf1.txt file2-haadf1.txt file3-haadf1.txt file1-bbbac1.txt file2-bbbac1.txt, and they all have the same modification date. 00:16 < syb0rg> MrElendig, what do you consider a good resource for actually improving my abilities? Everything I have learned so far is just from poking at computers and doing research until I can make them do what I want 00:16 < Alpha-Omega> It's seems to be already sorted, so I just want to grab that part of the last file listed, then use that with * to select the other files. 00:17 < neoncortex> syb0rg: I think that's the way to learn, I'm doing the same 00:17 < MrElendig> syb0rg: best way is to get some form of apprenticeship and/or formal education 00:17 < MrElendig> preferably and 00:17 < MrElendig> preferably combined into one 00:17 < klemax> After upgrading my kubuntu from 17.10 to 18.04, i got white screen problem after suspending. I checked the logs and saw: "radeon - failed testing IB on ring 5 (-110) / fence wait time out" 00:17 < syb0rg> I am also working on the formal education bit, though I am studying computer engineering. I just completed an associates, hopefully I can get some scholarships and making finishing my bachelor's more economical soon 00:17 < klemax> have ati drivers changed with 4.15 kernel? 00:18 < syb0rg> *make 00:18 < neoncortex> Now I can almost call myself programmer, thanks to youtube and random documentation/books xD 00:18 < Alpha-Omega> But is there any reason why the variable outputs as basically null in the shell script vs. running manually with SSH? 00:18 < LEYEVA> test 00:18 < MrElendig> different shell, locale settings, etc etc 00:19 < MrElendig> it is so fragile that it can break in 50 different ways 00:19 < MrElendig> you really are better off using something else than shellscript if you want to sort by both time and name 00:20 < LEYEVA> i need some help with snmpwalk, i can snmp walk from my server but cannot from same server virtual machine. both use ip from same subnet, which is added in the router i want to monitor. 00:21 < MrElendig> also, what the rest of your script is doing 00:21 < pingfloyd> syb0rg: how come computer engineering instead of computer science? 00:22 < MrElendig> you do get to play more with hardware 00:23 < syb0rg> pingfloyd, the engineering classes really interest me, and I am of the opinion that a) from what I have heard, computer science degrees don't necessariy translate directly to programming skills and b) it is easier to learn coding on your own than engineering skills 00:23 < syb0rg> and what MrElendig said =P 00:23 < revel> LEYEVA: I'm guessing your VM is on a virtualized network and its local network isn't the same one that the host has. 00:24 < revel> Somewhere on instead of somewhere in, even, probably. 00:24 < LEYEVA> @revel, how do icheck all snmp related log? 00:24 < syb0rg> also engineering classes are more difficult and expose me to more fields, andd I enjoy the challenge 00:24 < revel> Err. Dunno. 00:24 < pingfloyd> syb0rg: computer science is larger in scope 00:25 < syb0rg> larger than programming? I am aware of that pingfloyd 00:25 < syb0rg> it is a lot more academic and theoretical, right? 00:25 < syb0rg> I was torn between studying the two honestly 00:26 < python476> uml killed any desire for me to stay in soft. eng. 00:27 < python476> born in the wrong decade 00:27 < syb0rg> what is uml? 00:27 < python476> diagram notation to make sense of c++ projects 00:27 < pingfloyd> a new age thing 00:27 < syb0rg> ah, that does sound like it could be painful 00:28 < python476> designed by comitee, turned into a blackhole business of its own 00:28 < syb0rg> ick 00:28 < pingfloyd> like computing with extra bureaucracy 00:28 < python476> note that I'm biased against, it has some value, very little but non zero 00:28 < pingfloyd> sure, but how boring 00:28 < syb0rg> I do despise politicized subjects, which it sounds like that is from what you said 00:29 < python476> uml caught the same disease java enterprise, the more they tried to solve problems the more problems they created 00:29 < neoncortex> Yes, now you have do draw your software first ¬¬ 00:29 < neoncortex> preferably colored 00:29 < pingfloyd> more designing and problem solving, and less meetings please 00:29 < syb0rg> heh. I actually like Java, which I know makes me weird 00:29 < python476> neoncortex: free business meetings to discuss what arrow will mean what 00:29 < syb0rg> never messed with "enterprise" stuff though 00:29 < pingfloyd> neoncortex: and buy superfluous software to draw it with 00:30 < pingfloyd> if I'm going to draw picture, I'm going to do it free hand 00:30 < python476> pingfloyd: IBM Modeling Service division is waiting for you 00:30 < neoncortex> I honestly don't get why they do this 00:30 < pingfloyd> neoncortex: to flesh out the design and make it easier to track 00:31 < pingfloyd> it's pretty much a symptom of OOP 00:31 < python476> I see three reasons: 1) too look fancy 2) EE diagrams envy 3) have something to sell 4) what pingfloyd said 00:31 < pingfloyd> OOP put more focus on thinking things out before hand 00:31 < pingfloyd> like more time mapping things than typing things 00:31 < neoncortex> Maybe I don't get it because I'm paying with C mostly 00:32 < neoncortex> #playing 00:32 < pingfloyd> neoncortex: likely 00:32 < pingfloyd> neoncortex: you don't need stuff like so much in C 00:32 < python476> somewhere there's a uml-to-c translator 00:32 < python476> I know there's a UML-to-COBOL one so .. 00:33 < pingfloyd> what a travesty 00:33 < syb0rg> huh, so it actually translates directly to code? 00:33 < syb0rg> that sounds kinda neat 00:33 < python476> syb0rg: depends on the scope of the tool 00:33 < python476> usually it's more at the integration layer, uml -> stubs 00:34 < python476> so then people can fill in the actual code, but each blocks integrates well as designed on the diagram 00:34 < python476> it's half HR half engineering 00:34 < pingfloyd> design by committee 00:34 < python476> for actual code, you'd need an actual 'interpreter' and semantics 00:35 < pingfloyd> it belongs in the same garbage can as clouds do 00:35 < python476> which were discussed at one point, Executable UML was a thing 00:35 < pingfloyd> python476: the horror 00:35 < pingfloyd> that sounds like something microsoft would do 00:35 < python476> never knew who was into that 00:36 < python476> but since UML has sequences, you basically have Visual Basic 2.0 00:36 < python476> (sic) 00:36 < syb0rg> seems like it could be helpful on really large scale projects, and terribly inefficient for smaller ones 00:36 < python476> just imagine the fun of making UML diagrams for your executable UML code 00:36 < python476> syb0rg: that's its birthplace 00:36 < python476> big fat projects 00:36 < syb0rg> it's UML all the way down 00:37 < pingfloyd> python476: that's the kind of thing that makes people change professions 00:37 < python476> pingfloyd: hence my jobless status 00:37 < neoncortex> Microsoft is a company hard to understand, they have all resources of the world and do this: https://www.preining.info/blog/2018/06/microsofts-failed-attempt-on-debian-packaging/ 00:37 < python476> the thing is that big projects were the result of such way of working 00:37 < python476> with proper languages and learning you can cut codebase, project management by 20x 00:37 < syb0rg> from what I hear they are not too organized internally, different branches work at odds with one another 00:38 < pingfloyd> stuff like that is suits imposing their ways on programmers 00:38 < python476> syb0rg: that's been said in the past 00:38 < python476> but since the new CEO it may be different 00:38 < syb0rg> yeah I'm basing it off of what I have heard from someone who is a project manager there 00:38 < python476> also, MS is not the only one to suffer from internal friction 00:38 < syb0rg> doubtless, managing a company that large has to be a nightmare 00:38 < python476> Many major brands had this, Sony for instance 00:39 < pingfloyd> Apple is another infamous example 00:39 < pingfloyd> pitting the Apple II* people against the mac people 00:39 < pingfloyd> all so Steve can make more money 00:39 < python476> politics 00:39 < pingfloyd> troll your talent, stand back and collect money 00:40 < python476> on this I have a slightly weird hunch 00:40 < python476> I have talent but I do nothing because I don't have desire for setting up and managing a company 00:40 < python476> i feel like that's exactly Jobs role in relation to Wozniak 00:41 < pingfloyd> yeah, it was easier to play Woz 00:41 < python476> Woz would have given it's computer schematics to a club because he was happy, and it might have ended up in a drawer. We'd be using IBM PC 2018 00:41 * python476 sent from a thinkpad ... 00:42 < pingfloyd> the brain behind Apple that gets no recognition. Typical technology industry. 00:42 < syb0rg> hehe, what model python476? I had a p51s, but the motherboard died, twice. 00:42 < python476> syb0rg: 'vintage x201' 00:42 < pingfloyd> The Great Leader Steve Jobs kind of pioneered that whole approach 00:42 < polprog> t420 here. i love the old keyboard 00:42 < python476> p51s are the china made motherboards ? 00:42 < syb0rg> the keyboards and trackpoint are awesome 00:42 < python476> pingfloyd: I'm sure you enjoy Musk keynotes 00:42 < syb0rg> that is definitely their best feature 00:43 < syb0rg> python476, no idea. 00:43 < python476> yeah every new thinkpads with chicklets make me cringe a little 00:43 < python476> syb0rg: I got confused 00:43 < python476> there's a chinese company named something 51 or 52 00:43 < syb0rg> ah gotcha 00:44 < python476> they sell modern motherboards for older thinkpads 00:44 < python476> so you can have your old keyboard and run a core i7 gen5 00:44 < syb0rg> nah the p51s was a new model 00:44 < python476> yeah, I just never read about P series 00:44 < syb0rg> the keyboard was still a lot nicer than any other laptop I have used though 00:44 < python476> I like 12" 00:44 < electrosys> ls 00:44 < neoncortex> python476: That's actually a nice idea 00:44 < python476> syb0rg: I use thinkpads because of the keyboards 00:44 < syb0rg> I don't have an old thinkpad to compare it to 00:44 < python476> neoncortex: the retrofitted motherboards ? 00:45 < neoncortex> yes 00:45 < python476> it is 00:45 < python476> they have tiny quality issues, but mostly their biggest problems is backlog 00:45 < python476> IIRC you have to wait quite a while 00:46 < syb0rg> that does sound like a rather niche product, doesn't surprise me they don't have a large stockpile 00:46 < python476> true 00:46 < python476> thinkpadders are faithful but not massive 00:47 < python476> although if I could I'd set all primary schools nearby with thinkpads 00:47 < python476> 100$ 2nd hand x201 beats most things on shelves 00:48 < pingfloyd> I think right now OEMs are giving tablets preferential treatment because it's all the fad 00:48 < ChrisVim> hey guys! i'd like to know which lightweight vim-style internet browser you recommend? i tried qutebrowser and i really like the productivity. are there any recommendations which other browser i should try? 00:48 < Ameisen> Can the huge/large page allocation scheme be determined per-process rather than globally for the kernel 00:49 < Ameisen> I'd rather profile the processes as they're running, and next time they run, pre-select the proper page size to use for allocations 00:49 < python476> ChrisVim: never really used it but people often mentioned vimperator plugin for ..firefox? or chrome 00:49 < neoncortex> ChrisVim: Sadly we in need of one, I used to use xombrero but it's dead, and I do not know if dwb is still maintained 00:50 < pingfloyd> I don't see laptops going anywhere though, because they're becoming more about form factor to accommodate the keyboard and touchpad. 00:50 < ChrisVim> python476: thanks for the tip but i find firefox and chrome pretty heavyweight 00:50 < neoncortex> Also in the new firefox versions, vimperato 00:50 < neoncortex> err 00:50 < neoncortex> vimperator is now imcompatible with newer firefox, because they changed all the engine, plugins 00:50 < johnstras> hello , i just installed lamp-server on my ubuntu 18.04, i can not access mysql via phpmyadmin or mysql work bench 00:51 < ChrisVim> neoncortex: i don't think so last commit was 5 years ago. maybe a fork... 00:51 < johnstras> i dont get why, but i can only through the terminal 00:51 < python476> ChrisVim: well said :) 00:51 < johnstras> what should i do please 00:52 < neoncortex> ChrisVim: to vimperator? 00:52 < ChrisVim> neoncortex: to dwb 00:52 < neoncortex> Oh 00:52 < neoncortex> Yeah, so we out of luck 00:52 < tonymke> johnstras: you probably want this. mysql will only allow local socket connections by default. https://www.devside.net/wamp-server/accessing-mysql-or-phpmyadmin-from-outside 00:53 < neoncortex> It means another code to write xD 00:53 < jim> johnstras, did the mysql server say why it couldn't be accessed? 00:53 < pingfloyd> I didn't care much for vimperator back when 00:53 < neoncortex> ChrisVim: If you stop and analyze it, it's easy, because we have Webkit, you just need to interface it 00:53 < johnstras> #1698 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' , and also mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' 00:54 < johnstras> thats what i have 00:54 < wr> what can i use besides remmina that has rdp? 00:55 < ChrisVim> so thanks for your thoughts neoncortex and python476. i have to get some sleep. bye 00:55 < python476> same 00:55 < python476> night 00:56 < johnstras> jim: yeah, 01:01 < johnstras> i have tried every thing , but still same issues 01:01 < johnstras> bind-address and co 01:07 < electrosys> i still can't figure out how to write to the mutt search results that are links created in ~/.cache/notmuch/results 01:07 < electrosys> any ideas? 01:11 < tonymke> johnstras: you're sure phpmyadmin is using the right password? 01:11 < johnstras> tonymke: im using the right password 01:13 < tonymke> Might try changing it to be sure. All I can think of. 01:13 < johnstras> tonymke: i can access from it from the terminal 01:15 < pingfloyd> johnstras: https://askubuntu.com/questions/763336/cannot-enter-phpmyadmin-as-root-mysql-5-7 01:18 < j3kyl_> a 01:27 < AndroidKitKat> anyone here use i3 and flameshot? trying to get it to capture a region on mod + printscreen 01:29 < Loshki> wr: vinagre 01:30 < wr> Loshki, tried that one already, didnt go well 01:31 < Loshki> wr: that just leaves rdesktop that I know of. 01:32 < wr> Loshki, rdesktop is just terminal right? 01:35 < Loshki> wr: well, it speaks rdp. I use it to connect to windows systems. For everything else I use vnc. I thought you specifically asked for rdp though. 01:35 < wr> Loshki, yes 01:36 < useless-eater> Hi guys, I have some strange problems with a lenovo E330. Its dead slow authenticating when logging inn, when sudo -i, and wifi is horrible. Not sure what could be causing this. This is the dmesg, some strange errors in there. http://paste.debian.net/1029525/ 01:37 < angerctl> install and set up haveged 01:37 < electrosys> i guess you have to trick mutt/notmuch search results to write to them, with a macro, its so weird. 01:37 < useless-eater> seems like could be related to error at line 495 ? or 721, 726? 01:38 < angerctl> unlikely 01:39 < angerctl> look at he large gap in the timestamps between 779 and 780 01:39 < angerctl> your system ran out of entropy 01:39 < useless-eater> oh 01:40 < jim> useless-eater, which wireless card do you have? and, which wireless access point do you have? 01:42 < useless-eater> jim: Network controller: Broadcom Limited BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) 01:42 < useless-eater> has been horrible on other access points too 01:42 < useless-eater> (everyone tested so far) 01:43 < jim> has it ever been ok? 01:43 < iflema> throw it away . 01:43 < useless-eater> jim: I believe so. Its not mine, just installed linux on it for someone 01:44 < jim> where is the someone's access point? or, not where, but did you try that? 01:48 < useless-eater> hm this looks a little promiseing https://wiki.debian.org/wl 01:49 < jim> are you running a debian on it? 01:50 < useless-eater> jim: yep 01:52 < jim> maybe you already have a driver... is that machine on the net using a different interface right now? 01:53 < jim> like, ethernet? 01:53 < useless-eater> hm followed the guide, and seems to have done the trick 01:54 < jim> it's working? 01:54 < Drakonan> my openvpn has seemed to stop working anything i can do to figure out what's going on? im trying to connect local to rule out any modem/internet/forwarding/nat issues... but nothing... i see tcp and udp ports 1194 are opened local 01:54 < useless-eater> modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma ; modprobe wl and connected without problem. I should blacklist these I guess. 01:54 < useless-eater> jim: yea, works well now 0.o 01:54 < Drakonan> What else can i check? iptables -L shows nothing at all 01:54 < jim> useless-eater, sounds great 02:06 < BenderRodriguez> random question 02:06 < BenderRodriguez> are there any efforts in the linux community to develop open source smart TV firmware 02:06 < BenderRodriguez> my LG TV is still network-enabled and woefully out of date 02:06 < BenderRodriguez> and I fear it's running an old version of the linux kernel that's open to various security bugs 02:07 < tips-fedora> I'm not sure, but android TV is a thing and android is technically linux 02:07 < tips-fedora> Android does have many security risks though 02:08 < Drakonan> ok so my crl expired 02:08 < Psi-Jack> Well, I'm back off the Arch bandwagon again. LOL 02:09 < revel> Certificate revocation list? 02:10 < jim> Psi-Jack, in favor of which? 02:10 < Psi-Jack> Started using Solus as of yesterday & today. 02:10 < triceratux> Psi-Jack: the ultimate irony. i converted RevengeOS & Anarchy to use the img_dev / img_loop stuff so all the arch is booting from ISOs finally. thanks again 02:10 < Psi-Jack> triceratux: Heh, nice. 02:11 < Psi-Jack> triceratux: Yeah, SwagArch truly pissed me off. 02:11 < triceratux> rofl 02:11 < Psi-Jack> The guy that made SwagArch is obviously not very skilled or knowledgable. Creative though. 02:13 < BenderRodriguez> which distro has the latest version of gnome 02:13 < Psi-Jack> BenderRodriguez: Fedora. 02:14 < triceratux> ^^ thats what the dedoimedo guy says as well https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gnome-3-28-review.html 02:14 < Psi-Jack> Well, Fedora's flagship DE is their own, Gnome. 02:15 < Psi-Jack> There's a few things I really like about Solus though. As a desktop distro.. It's flat out super easy to work with. It even automatically adds printers it detects in your network, so you can simply just... Start printing. 02:17 < mgolisch> wow thats a compelling feature, i rarely print anything and if i just do it at work 02:17 < Psi-Jack> mgolisch: Heh. My office has like 20 printers. They all showed up ready to go. 02:18 < mgolisch> and they all worked? 02:18 < Psi-Jack> Yes. 02:18 < mgolisch> thats usualy my main problem with cups 02:18 < johnstras> now i have this error with my ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) with the terminal 02:18 < mgolisch> it installs something but the printers never work 02:19 < mgolisch> or cant do half of what the windows print drivers can 02:19 < Psi-Jack> mgolisch: Yeah. I mean, my office has Brother, HP, Xerox, Epson, etc.. You name it, they probably have it. And yes, they all worked. 02:19 < Psi-Jack> anything Linux supported, of course. 02:19 < dviola> Psi-Jack: nice 02:19 < j3kyl_> a 02:19 < dviola> I should invest in a printer sometime soon, how is brother support on linux? 02:19 < Psi-Jack> dviola: Usually okay. HP is probably best. 02:20 < strive> dviola: http://www.openprinting.org/printers 02:21 < Li> sudoedit /etc/default/locale .. added .. LANG="en_US" LANGUAGE="en_US:en" LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" changed GUI menus to english but not user default folders names like documents and music 02:21 < Psi-Jack> Solus 4 should be coming out pretty soon as the founder of Solus is working hard on it this weekend. heh 02:21 < Li> anything else to add and change those also to english? 02:21 < swift110> nie Psi-Jack I look forward to it myself 02:21 < dviola> thanks guys 02:21 < Psi-Jack> Another compelling feature is... solbuild's process. It enforces all packages to be chroot built in a clean environment /every single/ time. 02:21 < swift110> I currently have Solus on my t420 and really enjoy it 02:22 < Li> dviola: yw 02:22 < Psi-Jack> And I made 2 packages for Solus in... an hour? 02:22 < jim> I have two machines, one of them, has printing set up to the jetdirect card using port 9100... I'd like the other machine to print to this machine's queue 02:22 < swift110> Psi-Jack: when did you start using Solus 02:22 < Psi-Jack> swift110: Yesterday and today. LOL 02:22 < jim> and I can't get it to work and not sure how to debug it 02:23 < Psi-Jack> Hmm, dinner's about ready, so I'll be heading out. 02:26 < mgolisch> hm looks like its made for idiots 02:27 < prawn> hey, i'm trying to compile software for a kernel with a custom syscall, the target system offers me zero header files to compile against though :/ (it's part of a ctf task, please don't tell me to nag the vendor about header files) 02:27 < Psi-Jack> mgolisch: it's made to work. Simply. 02:27 < mgolisch> the website doesnt even have a package database or something 02:28 < dviola> its and it's mean different things 02:29 < Psi-Jack> mgolisch: That part is annoying yes. It does not have as many packages as debian but it had mostly everything I cared for most. 02:29 < mgolisch> thats not too hard, almost everything has less packages than debian 02:30 < Psi-Jack> Heh 02:30 < Psi-Jack> I plugged my Wacom Intuos with the wireless kit. And it just worked. No distro had done that. 02:31 < Psi-Jack> With the wireless part. Wired they worked usually. 02:33 < mgolisch> guess ill stay with arch for now 02:35 < aaro> the solus developer does good job making "works out of the box" distros, sadly he disappears from time to time and the distro with him, he did another project before solus, don't remember the name though 02:35 < Psi-Jack> I can't wait to see what 4 brings. Better integrated support for snaps and flatpak 02:35 < mgolisch> hm never used those things 02:37 < tips-fedora> Flatpaks but they are slow and break sometimes 02:37 < swift110> oh wow Psi-Jack 02:38 < Psi-Jack> I've used snaps and AppImage so far but not yet flatpak. 02:39 < tips-fedora> I have signal messenger on a flatpak. I've never used snaps 02:39 < triceratux> well ive got 3 xfce arch isos booting from grub2. cant believe i hadnt weeded that out of the wiki yet http://pastebin.centos.org/847806/raw/ 02:40 < slimetrap> i am making a present for a cute girl and the idea is that it's a little box that you can line-in stuff through aux and it outputs visualization on hdmi for whatever is line-in... so TLDR a music visualizer box 02:41 < slimetrap> but rn i'm comparing various visualizers. i got winamp 2.95 listening on line-in with visualizations working :) 02:41 < Bushman> heyo! 02:41 < Psi-Jack> Snaps are nice but the sandbox it does bites me because I have stuff in my home dir symlinked to /mnt/storage and they won't work in snaps. 02:41 < Bushman> who's good with keyboards and scancodes? 02:41 < Bushman> i have a bluetooth controller that works like a mouse/keyboard thingamajig 02:41 < Bushman> and it has some exotic scancodes i can't identify: 02:42 < Bushman> https://imgur.com/a/oOQca99 02:42 < Bushman> the 3xx range 02:42 < Bushman> any ideas what those could be? 02:43 < swift110> sup triceratux 02:48 < slimetrap> honestly i think like the trickiest part will be forcing the visualizer to open when winamp autostarts, making it listen to line-in, and tricking the visualizer to be "fullscreen" 02:49 < tips-fedora> write a simple script to start the visualizer when winamp starts 02:50 < slimetrap> that's what im working on figuring out now 02:51 < slimetrap> it may be that winamp 2.95 had no such scriptability 02:52 < tips-fedora> can you either rollback or compile a custom version? 02:52 < slimetrap> http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=191641&page=7 02:52 < slimetrap> oh whoah 02:55 < strive> Did I hear winamp? 02:56 < dviola> xmms was better 02:57 < tips-fedora> What if you just gave the girl a riced arch box with cava? 03:05 < Ameisen> Interesting. Enabling transparent huge pages causes segmentation faults when building some things 03:12 < Psi-Jack> mgolisch: Fear the Solus eh? Hehe 03:12 < Psi-Jack> I'll be seeing how it fairs in stability. Arch seriously sucks at that. 03:12 < blaster> Hey could anyone help me diagnose a connection issue with iptables? 03:13 < blaster> I'm adding some basic rules to permit connections to postgresql, but when I add the rules and then restart, remote connections to pgsql begin timing out. 03:13 < blaster> The rules are pretty basic. https://pastebin.com/6VRUUXF5 03:13 < Drakonan> can you turn on logging and see if anything is getting dropped 03:15 < blaster> Which daemon do you think I need to log? I tried following the logs before and was seeing nothing. 03:15 < blaster> Kernel log and syslog that is./ 03:16 < Drakonan> i mean if its specific to iptables cant you log drops 03:16 < Drakonan> if it works without and doesnt with you've already pretty much nailed WHERE its at 03:16 < Muimi> In ubuntu, I plug in a second display via HDMI, D2. D2 shows the ubuntu desktop with nothing else, and the cursor cannot go into it. So, I went to display and set D2 as the primary display. D2 then shows a menu bar, but the cursor still cannot access D2. 03:16 < Drakonan> so just add "log" to the drop and find where iptables logs log 03:17 < blaster> I'm trying it, just need to find the flags for that. 03:18 < Drakonan> edit your iptables file and add log the drop rule 03:18 < Drakonan> to the* 03:19 < mgolisch> Muimi: make sure you move the cursor to the correct direction, the display thing should show how the displays are organized/oriented 03:19 < mgolisch> also what desktop are you using? 03:21 < Muimi> Mate. 03:21 < blaster> is there a way to follow dmesg logs? 03:21 < Pentode> i remember another user having a problem like that with an nvidia card 03:22 < revel> dmesg -w 03:22 < Muimi> thanks that worked 03:22 < Muimi> i was trying to slide up because the monitor is above, but i should have slid right 03:22 < blaster> I didn't even try connecting to pgsql yet for a test, and my log is already filled with this, https://pastebin.com/LFnTyikX 03:22 < Muimi> so, the cursor also has this "delayed stop"? 03:23 < blaster> Is someone trying to brute force my DB? 03:23 < Muimi> It's as if the cursor is decelerating. 03:23 < Pentode> Muimi, some desktop environments have a setting to add resistance when moving to another desktop 03:23 < blaster> Looks like lo traffic, no? 03:24 < Drakonan> having a lot of dns drops too 03:24 < Drakonan> maybe it cant resolve anymore? 03:24 < blaster> What does that mean? 03:24 < blaster> It's a DB server I just configured recently. 03:24 < Drakonan> port 53 is dns so if it cant find out the ip of the sql server to resolve it may not connect to it :) 03:25 < blaster> Inbound connections on port 53? 03:25 < Psi-Jack> blaster: is your database publicly exposed to the internet? 03:25 < Evidlo> I've got some proprietary binary that can't find libXi.so.6, but I can see it in /usr/lib64. Shouldn't I be able to do "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 proprietary_binary" 03:26 < mgolisch> Evidlo: is it a 64bit binary? 03:26 < mgolisch> Evidlo: file path/to/binary 03:26 < blaster> Technically it shouldn't be, it should be limiting inbound connections to it's private network, and only allowing passwordless SSH access to the internet. 03:26 < Drakonan> What is the best way to back up a pi? 03:27 < sauvin_> blaster, "technically"? 03:28 < blaster> Technically ;) 03:28 < sauvin> Uh huh. 03:28 < Evidlo> mgolisch (IRC): its actually a shell script with a binary blob inside it 03:29 < blaster> So to alleviate a DNS drop you have to allow inbound connections on port 53 too? 03:29 < Evidlo> mgolisch (IRC): so if its 32bit, I just need the 32bit version of libXi? 03:29 < mgolisch> yes 03:32 < blaster> If I add my rules while the system is running the inbound psql connections are successful, but it's when I restart and it reloads the same rules the connections timeout. I wonder what's the logic behind that. 03:33 < blaster> It still happens with port 53 allowed. 03:34 < blaster> Nothing showing in logs either with dmesg | grep DPT=5432 03:36 < blaster> INPUT:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=1a:bc:fa:98:bb:c9:30:7c:5e:90:9c:30:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=15017 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60960 DPT=5432 WINDOW=29200 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 03:37 < blaster> How do I allow lo 53? 03:40 < Drakonan> anyone know how to fix an expired crl? 03:40 < duper> Is it okay to pass main as the start_routine for pthread_create() ? 03:44 < darkmeson> blaster: do you allow ESTABLISHED,RELATED streams for INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT first thing in your ruleset? 03:47 < blaster> darkmeson, I'm going to try that next. 03:48 < blaster> I'm getting a steady stream of inbound 53 drops, and I don't recognize the machine they're originating from. 03:48 < blaster> It's flooding the logs. 03:49 < darkmeson> Some sort of brute force attack or a misconfigured stack, probably 03:50 < blaster> SPT=53 DPT=42770 03:50 < blaster> That means a destination port of 42770? It's constantly changing, is this a port sniff? :) 03:52 < darkmeson> Whichever of SRC= or DST= matches the local system's IP, the corresponding (S|D)PT will contain your local port 03:54 < darkmeson> alternatively, check 'netstat -pnt |grep ' for each and see if you can catch an entry for one in-flight 03:54 < blaster> The source IP seems to belong to the cloud provider I use and the SPT is constantly 53, so it must be to do with their DNS hosting. 03:55 < blaster> I don't manage a DNS daemon myself. 03:55 < darkmeson> That's not the relevant thing here 03:56 < darkmeson> If you catch one in-flight, it'll probably have a program name attached, and that yield clues of its own 03:56 < blaster> I tried but there was no output from your command, I tried some of the ports from the logs. 03:57 < darkmeson> Also make sure you resolve the IP back to a hostname and take a good look at it if you haven't 03:57 < darkmeson> Most DNS traffic is so highly temporary that there wouldn't be unless you caught it at just the right time 03:57 < darkmeson> As opposed to, say, a http/1.1 connection 03:59 < blaster> You sure it's not relevant? Someone else pointed out that the inbound pg connections could be timing out due to a DNS issue and those dmesg drops have 53 as the SPT. 04:02 < darkmeson> Well, yes. If you're blocking DNS then you'd see a flurry of connections as it tried in vain to resolve the address 04:02 < darkmeson> but you surely would know the address of your own configured DNS servers, right? 04:02 < blaster> Well I fixed it somehow :O 04:03 < blaster> I use the DNS control panel at my provider, which I assume is run on one of their machines which I don't know the hostname of. 04:03 < darkmeson> that sounds really reassuring 04:04 < blaster> BIND is a bit tedious, no? 04:05 < darkmeson> there's a learning curve, but it's not the most terrible one ever 04:06 < blaster> Don't have enough time as it is. I'm sure it's pretty easy to find out the hostname for the managed option, seeing as how I pay for it. 04:07 < blaster> Maybe when we get a network admin. 04:09 < darkmeson> this was actually more ##networking material btw 04:11 < blaster> Thanks I think the RELATED,ESTABLISHED rule fixed it. 04:12 < darkmeson> glad I could help 04:13 < littlebean> good/decent opensource firewall that's active development? 04:13 < blaster> iptables 04:14 < littlebean> ty 04:14 < blaster> bit of a learning curve but its better than decent 04:15 < littlebean> oh, i forgot too add, filter of something that can be easily set up 04:15 < littlebean> or designed to be set up and work okayish but 04:15 < blaster> #Netfilter 04:15 < littlebean> fine with a curve of configuration 04:15 < littlebean> thanks 04:15 < jim> littlebean, hi... because we're trying to help folks (including very new english speakers) to understand what's going on, I request you spell out ty as thank you 04:16 < littlebean> hmm, im unable to process this atm but I will keep it in mind 04:16 < jim> appreciate that 04:17 < jim> (also appreciate that you didn't use that abbreviation all the time (you said thanks just before I butted in :) 04:17 < littlebean> since this room likely has a lot of programmers I suggest an idea of a acronym bot 04:19 < jim> it probably does have a lot of programmers, and when that kind of talk goes by and they say an acronym I let it go usually, because I figure it's common usage 04:19 < rouji> also, dictionaries are a thing 04:21 < jim> (but, if I notice that there's potential for misunderstanding, I'll ask them to be spelled out) 04:22 < rouji> littlebean: https://firehol.org/ heard good things about this, haven't used it myself yet though 04:23 < Drakonan> easiest way to transfer files from pc yo phone over the wireless? 04:23 < revel> scp 04:23 < rouji> what phone? 04:23 < jim> we've been talking about bringing linuxbot back 04:23 < Drakonan> its a samsung galaxy s8 04:24 < rouji> so android 04:24 < littlebean> yeah, the ideal firewall-os would be one that's specifically designed too learn with, asking this on 04:24 < Drakonan> yep 04:24 < littlebean> netfilter thingy 04:24 < littlebean> channel 04:24 < rouji> I use kdeconnect 04:25 < jim> I dunno if I have bluetooth on this machine, and kdeconnect requires it I believe 04:25 < rouji> nope 04:25 < rouji> does wifi just fine 04:25 < rouji> or adb push over wifi if I don't have that available 04:26 < jim> how do I do it over wifi? 04:26 < rouji> not sure if adb over tcp is a standard android feature, or a lineageos thing 04:26 < jim> apple desktop bus?! 04:26 < rouji> android debug bridge 04:27 < jim> oh ok 04:27 < revel> Alex duck base‽ 04:27 < rouji> adb can do it by default, but I don't know if all androids expose that option 04:28 < rouji> scp is an option if you have termux installed or something 04:28 < jim> what do I do to connect? do I need to know the phone's IP? 04:29 < rouji> you'd need to enable it on the phone 04:29 < jim> what's it called? or do you mean adb? 04:29 < rouji> it'll tell you its IP and you can then "adb connect " 04:29 < jim> I do have termux 04:29 < rouji> I do mean the things that I write 04:30 < rouji> you can run sshd in termux iirc 04:30 < rouji> might need to install the package first 04:31 < jim> is that the normal way of connecting using kdeconnect? 04:31 < rouji> termux and adb have nothing to do with each other or kdeconnect 04:31 < jim> (apart from bluetooth) 04:31 < rouji> kdeconnect does *just work* in a LAN 04:32 < rouji> I'm just listing options of getting files onto an android over wifi 04:33 < jim> looks like I am connected to the wlan 04:34 < jim> how do I start kdeconnect on this machine? 04:34 < revel> jim: `emerge -a kde-misc/kdeconnect` 04:34 < revel> (adjust to fit your distro, ofc) 04:35 < rouji> it has a daemon that starts as soon as anything needs to use it 04:35 < rouji> kdeconnectd or something 04:35 < jim> I'm running debian, I don't think I have ports, and I'm not sure if it's installed, I had to reinstall recently 04:35 < rouji> if you're not using any KDE environment or apps there's also the kdeconnect-cli 04:36 < jim> I am running kde 04:36 < rouji> but in dolphin you can browse the entire phone's filesystem and stuff 04:36 < rouji> it's really kind of neat 04:37 < jim> says it is installed 04:38 < rouji> app on the phone as well? 04:38 < jim> what's the app called? where is it available from? 04:39 < rouji> kde connect 04:39 < rouji> play store 04:40 < darkmeson> littlebean: you might also want to consider something pf-based like pfsense or vanilla freebsd. It's actually superior to iptables in some respects 04:41 < littlebean> my filter/requirements are: Open source (mandatory), noob/beginer friendly (Highly desired), High security (ideal) 04:42 < jim> one sec 04:43 < revel> `iptables -A INPUT -j DROP` is as high-sec as it gets. 04:43 < darkmeson> It doesn't get more foss than bsd licensing 04:44 < littlebean> im not sure what that means revel 04:44 < littlebean> what's foss & bsd licensing? 04:44 < revel> It drops all incoming packets. Or, well, it appends a rule like that to the INPUT chain. 04:44 < littlebean> sorry 04:44 < littlebean> I always forget about google 04:44 < darkmeson> but if you want easy you'd probably have to use ufw, shorewall, or another distro-specific iptables wrapper 04:45 < littlebean> but it would be nice contextually too ask here 04:45 < darkmeson> Free and Open Source Software 04:45 < littlebean> ahh okay 04:45 < littlebean> bsd is similar or the same as freeware? 04:46 < littlebean> yeah my goal with all my devices eventually is too be if possible entirely open source 04:47 < darkmeson> BSD, MIT, and friends basically say you can do whatever you want with the code, whereas the linux ecosystem is mostly GPL, which is an infectious, fascistic license 04:47 < rouji> dat bait 04:47 < darkmeson> you probably won't notice any difference as a user, but it makes a big difference if you decide to write any code 04:48 < darkmeson> rouji: only for people who don't understand or don't tolerate that people can and do have differing points of view 04:49 < rouji> >##linux 04:49 < rouji> >your stuff is fascistic 04:49 < littlebean> yeah I'm a programmer, which is also why open source is ideal, because i'll eventually run into stuff I'd like to tweak once I become more familiar 04:49 < rouji> k 04:50 < darkmeson> Yes, ##linux. Not ##gnulinux ;) 04:50 < littlebean> but also autistically obsessed with privacy/security, just generally being in control of the devices I own 04:50 < rouji> linux is gpl 04:50 < littlebean> although I'm aware I'll never 100% acheive that unless I make my own hardware from scratch 04:50 < rouji> whatever, I'm not biting 04:50 < littlebean> but at least on a software level it will be nice 04:50 < mwd> littlebean, you might like the stuff purism is making then 04:50 < darkmeson> the userland need not be, however 04:50 < darkmeson> and at least in the case of Android, it isn't 04:51 < rouji> in the case of android, it's shitty software no matter the license 04:51 < littlebean> I would of loved to be informed of this company 2 weeks ago mwd before I spent all my money on a laptop ahahah :P 04:51 < mwd> ahhh yeah bad timing eh 04:51 < darkmeson> littlebean: basically, the GPL forces you as a developer to release your modifications under the GPL too if you distribute them at all 04:52 < mwd> i'm quite looking forward to their upcoming phone 04:52 < littlebean> interesting, that's understandable darkmeson 04:53 < littlebean> any modifications I'd ever make would be quality of life anyway, and if it was a security tweak i wouldn't want too release it 04:53 < mwd> littlebean, if you fix a security thing, it makes sense to share it... 04:53 < littlebean> as it'd most likely just be changing internals so attacking software identifying such software would be stumped a bit more 04:53 < darkmeson> it's mainly a problem if you create a larger project you want released under other terms though 04:53 < rouji> security by obscurity is always the best way 04:53 < littlebean> not fix a security 04:53 < littlebean> just add extra hurdles 04:54 < darkmeson> mainly when you link against the wrong things, which is a big part of the reason some distros don't support static linking 04:54 < mwd> ehhh that's a dangerous game 04:54 < darkmeson> the end result of linking things statically with conflicting licenses is a binary that can't be legally redistributed, obviously 04:56 < darkmeson> that's part of the reason for systems like dkms which allow certain things like the nvidia blob's wrapper code and zfs to be compiled locally rather than shipping them in a normal package 04:57 < jim> it's working... thanks 04:58 < darkmeson> rouji: btw, ironically, Android has a far superior app isolation model to just about anything in traditional Linux space save for distros that make use of hardware virt like Qubes 04:58 < drakonis> qubes runs xen you see 04:59 < rouji> I'm well aware of android internals 04:59 < drakonis> something every distro can do as well 04:59 < rouji> doesn't make it less of a colossal pile of java shite 05:00 < rouji> that's nigh impossible to build without killing yourself in frustration 05:00 < drakonis> have you heard about fuchsia 05:00 < darkmeson> The biggest problem is that they keep making it more and more difficult to cut off network access to apps without having root 05:01 < rouji> their solution for getting LD_PRELOAD to work with zygote was broken for about 4 major versions :V 05:01 < rouji> it makes simple things so needlessly stupid 05:01 < darkmeson> Although with root one has access to tools like XPrivacy, which afaik there's still no equivalent for in GNU/Linux 05:01 < darkmeson> drakonis: I have, and it concerns me greatly 05:01 * darkmeson bets anything it'll ultimately take away the concept of root entirely 05:02 < darkmeson> rouji: as opposed to systemd, or pulseaudio, or btrfs, or...? 05:02 < darkmeson> you get the idea 05:02 < rouji> xprivacy is hardly a "feature" of android 05:02 < rouji> you can run a normal linux without any of those 3 easily 05:03 < darkmeson> Right. It's a wrapper around kernel facilities that GNU/Linux distros could've availed themselves of a long time ago but didn't 05:03 < rouji> maybe nobody cared to do it 05:03 < rouji> it's open source, DIY if you need to 05:03 < darkmeson> you can, but you get no interactive prompts when something attempts a connect() or other restricted syscall 05:03 < electrosys> i found a frame buffer web browser that will do images, w3m + w3m-img 05:04 < darkmeson> electrosys: there's also surf 05:06 < darkmeson> you could also use directvnc to connect to a local vncserver session or a graphical session on another host 05:07 < darkmeson> rouji: and that wasn't even remotely the point in any case 05:07 < Padawan> Hello, is it possible to mount a file.img made from an hfs filesystem? i have been trying to [sudo mount -o loop file.img /path/to] but i have been getting this error: [wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.] 05:08 < darkmeson> it's ironic that Android can have better security, more easily, than the GNU/Linux distros that have a decade or better of lead time on it 05:08 < rouji> if you could only run java crap on normal linux, it'd probably be easier to implement something like that 05:08 < michaelrose> the general way linux users are secure is in not installing malware in the first place 05:08 < darkmeson> Padawan: 'modprobe hfs' and/or 'modprobe hfsplus' maybe 05:09 < rouji> that's also a good point 05:09 < michaelrose> not connecting to a market full of malware and sufficiently isolating it to avoid infection 05:09 < rouji> linux usually doesn't preinstall spyware 05:09 < rouji> except ubuntu occasionally lol 05:09 < michaelrose> or ship with official spy apps that you aren't allowed to remove 05:09 < michaelrose> or you know keep you from having full access to your machine in the first place 05:09 < darkmeson> rouji: you keep saying java, but it's not really java, and that's not "all it can run" 05:10 < rouji> it mostly does though 05:10 < darkmeson> michaelrose: that's not really true given that many foss apps and distros have been caught phoning home without permission too 05:10 < rouji> just saying if you invent a high level API all apps have to use, it's easier to do those things 05:10 < michaelrose> darkmeson, one distro one time 05:10 < darkmeson> that includes Mozilla Firefox 05:11 < michaelrose> prove it 05:11 < rouji> things you install on a desktop linux are also more likely to be open source 05:11 < rouji> which is really not the case with the play store 05:11 < rouji> so you'd need to be more careful 05:11 < darkmeson> even opting out of everything leaves it trying to connect to a variety of mozilla addresses until you go into about:config and wipe the values from the relevant keys 05:11 < michaelrose> I'm pretty sure I know what you are talking about regarding firefox and equally sure you are confused 05:12 < michaelrose> are you talking about it looking for updates? 05:12 * darkmeson mostly only installs from F-Droid 05:12 < rouji> good for you then 05:12 < michaelrose> the problem is that fdroid doesn't have every app you might need to make productive use of your phone 05:13 < darkmeson> michaelrose: no. settings, pocket, the new tiles advertising things, safe browsing, and others 05:13 < darkmeson> I don't remember which were nuisances since I just immediately kill them all on each new profile anymore 05:14 < rouji> I mainly avoid FF because it's a crashy POS lately 05:14 < michaelrose> lol what? 05:15 < michaelrose> seems to work ok on linux mint funtoo and manjaro 05:15 < darkmeson> rouji: "lately"? 05:15 < rouji> lately more than usual 05:15 < revel> rouji: Do you have any sandboxing going on? 05:15 < rouji> esp. when closing tabs playing media 05:15 < darkmeson> michaelrose: you probably don't use extensions 05:15 < michaelrose> what version and have you tried with a fresh profile? 05:15 < rouji> no idea, I don't have any FF going on 05:16 < rouji> 59 was the latest I tried 05:16 < revel> Probably not what I was thinking of then. 05:16 < rouji> and I'm not killing my profile just because the devs are incompetent 05:16 < rouji> I'm using qutebrowser now and quite happy 05:17 < darkmeson> I cloned my profile for Riot and run it by itself, and Firefox still manages to hang for several minutes every once in a while and also slowly leaks memory 05:17 < michaelrose> 60 is when they deployed quantum, at present I'm down to 3 extensions on one machine and 5 on the other 05:18 < darkmeson> That's on Firefox 52 through 60 05:18 < michaelrose> rouji, if the bug exists only in your profile or addons you've added why would that make the devs incompetent? 05:18 < rouji> because the same stuff worked fine a few versions ago? 05:18 < michaelrose> maybe that means the addon devs are incompetent? 05:19 < michaelrose> and you have incompetently installed their incompetent work? 05:19 < rouji> noscript and ublock, nothing else 05:19 < rouji> I'm not an addon hoarder 05:20 < darkmeson> michaelrose: addon devs shouldn't be able to adversely influence the browser to begin with. that's kind of the problem 05:20 < michaelrose> anyway the logical thing to test would be to install latest stable with a fresh profile and see if it works as expected 05:20 < michaelrose> darkmeson, they will be vastly less able to with web extenions 05:20 < rouji> and at least the media tab closing thing I've heard many people complain about 05:20 < michaelrose> old school addons are defunct as of 60 05:20 < darkmeson> it also doesn't seem to enforce any ordering so extensions have a tendency to stomp all over each other, deadlock, and just generally behave erratically 05:21 < darkmeson> michaelrose: except that's not been the case. 60 has the same problems 05:21 < michaelrose> darkmeson, what problem, what version, what OS? 05:22 < revel> All of them, the first commercially released version from 20 years ago, HP-UX. 05:22 < darkmeson> my mandatory extensions are umatrix, ublock, noscript, scriptsafe, privacy badger, https everywhere, cookie autodelete or self-destructing cookies, and now a couple container tabs extensions 05:22 < rouji> yep, just crashed the same way on 60 05:23 < rouji> so that doesn't seem to have helped anything 05:23 < notmike> um, wat 05:23 < darkmeson> michaelrose: all irrelevant. it happens everywhere I've tried it 05:24 < michaelrose> the common factor would seem to be you then 05:24 < rouji> the common factor among the people I've been talking to seems to be firefox 05:24 < michaelrose> any bug which caused firefox to crash everywhere would seem logically to be easy to reproduce and fix 05:24 < darkmeson> the common factor is the extensions, which I explained actually IS a problem with the design 05:24 < michaelrose> I recently found a frustrating issue was caused by some css I had pasted into userchrome.css 05:25 < darkmeson> it doesn't crash for me. that's rouji 05:25 < darkmeson> in my case it hangs for a few minutes despite ample resources and none of the usual issues that cause that sort of thing, and it leaves a single main process pegging a core while everything else is otherwise idle 05:26 < michaelrose> can you reproduce this issue with a fresh profile and no addons? 05:26 < michaelrose> note you don't have to lose your present profile to test this 05:26 < darkmeson> inspecting that process yields a flurry of futex() calls, which means something is locked and something else is spinning its wheels trying to gain access, which is usually extension-related ime 05:26 < drakonis> darkmeson, why is systemd such a bad thing 05:26 < drakonis> or pulseaudio or btrfs or whatever's a new cool thing 05:27 < drakonis> that solves very real problems 05:27 < darkmeson> that would be moot since I'd never use a profile without the critical addons 05:27 < rouji> btrfs because bugs 05:27 < drakonis> what is the argument against systemd 05:27 < michaelrose> firefox --profileManager is a tool to create and temporarily switch to a blank profile 05:27 < michaelrose> btrfs because the first thing you want a filesystem to do is not lose your files 05:27 < darkmeson> the default browser configuration is so highly insecure that any random third party can run arbitrary code on your system, even if minimally sandboxed 05:27 < michaelrose> pulseaudio because for fucking years it was broken in weird ways 05:28 < drakonis> it isn't broken in weird ways anymore 05:28 < rouji> feature-wise, btrfs would be really nice 05:28 < drakonis> btrfs is getting better 05:28 < michaelrose> note I now use it and like its network transparency 05:28 < drakonis> why the hell are people still against pulseaudio today 05:28 < drakonis> it isn't broken anymore 05:28 < drakonis> why still bitch about it 05:28 < rouji> I need really low-latency audio sometimes 05:28 < mwd> they're still using a version from 11 years ago 05:28 < darkmeson> and of course firefox does crash if you try to restrict it from accessing anything sensitive and fingerprintable via apparmor, selinux, or similar 05:28 < michaelrose> drakonis, the lead developer thinks he is smarter than he really is and is an asshole 05:28 < drakonis> the lead developer 05:29 < drakonis> is on systemd 05:29 < drakonis> he isn't working on pulseaudio anymore 05:29 < drakonis> and that isn't an argument against pulseaudio or systemd 05:29 < michaelrose> he also does stupid things and doesn't take ownership of his mistakes 05:29 < drakonis> again, its not an argument 05:29 < darkmeson> drakonis: btrfs still self-corrupts far too much of the time 05:29 < rouji> also pulse still sometimes just refuses to work for me 05:29 < michaelrose> Using your software implies trusting your work 05:29 < michaelrose> I 05:29 < drakonis> i still haven't run into pulseaudio issues 05:30 < michaelrose> I'll check back on btrfs in several years but unless openzfs stands still I can't imagine btrfs will ever be a better choice 05:30 < darkmeson> I use it, but only in VMs where I can rollback if and when it inevitably ruins itself, because the btrfsck tool only causes more damage more often than not 05:31 < darkmeson> I've actually never had an issue with pulseaudio since it facilitated my use of bluetooth headphones, but systemd is another story 05:31 < michaelrose> I generally am against systemd because I like things where I can understand the parts and swap out part a for part b where part b is better suited 05:31 < darkmeson> michaelrose: zfs will be killer if anyone ever gets around to writing the bpr code 05:32 < michaelrose> despite being divided into chunks systemd isn't designed to be modular nor to make it reasonable for you to use different tools with it 05:32 < darkmeson> They did integrate some code a while back that enabled removing vdevs or something, but I found the inability to shrink a pool far too limiting for general use 05:33 < darkmeson> michaelrose: that's actually one of two of my points of contention with it 05:33 < Sabotender> if I made an image using dd into a file, can I open the image if I mount it as an iso file? 05:33 < michaelrose> my needs are simple I think its sufficient for me to enable swapping out disks for bigger disks to upgrade 05:34 < drakonis> darkmeson, bpr code? 05:34 < darkmeson> I shouldn't have to know or care about systemd services if I have other things taking care of it. systemd-journald is particularly bad because it's required and storage can't be totally disabled if you expect to use a traditional syslog 05:34 < revel> Sabotender: If nothing goes wrong, sure. 05:34 < darkmeson> Sabotender: of course 05:34 < drakonis> syslog only logs things when running so 05:34 < drakonis> idgi 05:35 < revel> I think it may benefit from an fsck first if it's from a running system. 05:35 < darkmeson> mount -o loop /path/to/file /mnt/iso 05:35 < revel> (mounted part, that is) 05:35 < Sabotender> revel: but its a complete disc image? 05:35 < michaelrose> systemd seems to be part of a change to a bunch of tightly integrated components that you aren't supposed to swap out 05:36 < michaelrose> which I find undesirable as I have always enjoyed picking parts that seem most useful 05:36 < drakonis> michaelrose, this argument about modularity is pointless 05:36 < darkmeson> I'm not even sure that -o loop is required on current-day distros anymore, but it doesn't hurt to add it 05:36 < drakonis> meaningless 05:36 < revel> You still can, with, uhh... Something to do with loop devices. 05:36 < drakonis> and isn't an OS like that? 05:36 < michaelrose> darkmeson, like what? 05:36 < revel> You could also dd out the specific partitions into seperate files, I guess. 05:37 < drakonis> btw 05:37 < drakonis> you might want to try xfs in a year or so 05:37 < drakonis> with stratis 05:37 < revel> Right, losetup. 05:37 < drakonis> it is nearing zfs levels of power 05:37 < michaelrose> darkmeson, it isn't even released 05:37 < michaelrose> drakonis, it isn't even released 05:37 < michaelrose> sorry 05:37 < drakonis> it is released 05:37 < drakonis> not 1.0 though 05:37 < drakonis> but its available 05:38 < drakonis> i am talking however about upcoming xfs features 05:38 < michaelrose> let me just move all my data to something that isn't mature 05:38 < drakonis> stratis isn't an filesystem 05:38 < Sabotender> well. windows can't open disc images created by DD 05:38 < Sabotender> BOO 05:38 < darkmeson> drakonis: bpr, Block Pointer Rewrite. It's code required to enable zfs to remove vdevs, totally remove deduplication without a wipe and reload, shrink pools, and various other things 05:38 < michaelrose> its a set of tools for managing different layers 05:38 < Sabotender> 'disc is corrupted' 05:39 < mwd> Sabotender, yeah just stick with a real os 05:39 < darkmeson> xfs isn't actually bad, and it's even better today since one can batch deduplicate extents with tools like duperemove 05:39 < darkmeson> it has the same problem of not being shrinkable though 05:39 < revel> Sabotender: If you didn't notice it before, losetup. 05:39 < drakonis> xfs is getting significant features hmm 05:40 < darkmeson> Sabotender: try a tool like winimage 05:40 < Sabotender> mwd: tell all the game design companies to compile their games for linux, and I will 05:40 < revel> They'd have to do a bit more than just compile it for Linux. 05:40 < mwd> all game companies: compile your games for linux 05:40 < mwd> ok it's done 05:41 < revel> Quite a few of them like writing games in C#, for one. 05:41 < mwd> im pretty sure they monitor this channel so just give em a few days, can't expect miracles on weekends.. 05:41 < mwd> doesn't steam have gobs of linux games these days? and wine is getting more and more capable 05:41 < michaelrose> it will be 1.0 for fedora 29 05:41 < drakonis> yes it does 05:41 < darkmeson> Sabotender: looking into dokan might give you some leads too, or try ##windows 05:41 < drakonis> wine is extremely good though 05:42 < drakonis> Sabotender, getting something to run on linux isn't just "let's just recompile the binary for another platform" 05:42 < drakonis> its involved as fuck 05:42 < darkmeson> Steam USES wine for a lot of their games afaik 05:42 < michaelrose> so stratis will be 1.0 for fedora by early november but I don't use fedora so maybe useful by 2019 05:43 < drakonis> no steam doesn't 05:43 < Sabotender> drakonis: oh I know it, its just my defacto response every time some linux user tells me to dump windows for linux 05:43 < michaelrose> interesting but not compelling 05:43 < drakonis> by the time it lands outside of fedora 05:43 < Sabotender> 99% of the PC games I play are designed for windows. its NOT. MY. Fault. 05:43 < drakonis> ah yes 05:43 < michaelrose> Sabotender, is gaming the primary thing you use your pc for? 05:43 < Sabotender> I use linux when I need to write my own code 05:43 < drakonis> hmmm 05:43 < drakonis> got a problem right here 05:44 < Sabotender> michaelrose: and general web browsing and video streaming, aye 05:44 < drakonis> uhhh 05:44 < sauvin> I still use Windows because of legacy engineering software. 05:44 < drakonis> you know you can do those other things on linux right 05:44 < mwd> sounds like you want linux in a virtualbox under windows 05:44 < mwd> (or the other way round) 05:44 < drakonis> and wine staging can cover about every game at this point 05:44 < rouji> or a windows gaming VM using pcie passthrough 05:44 < michaelrose> I've never found the idea of running windows + linux in a vm that compelling you get all the disadvantages of both OS + overhead of virtualization 05:44 < darkmeson> with vulkan being the apparent successor to opengl and directx both, and games supporting it, it should be getting easier and easier to game on Linux 05:45 < Sabotender> mwd: naw, virtualbox is horrible for fast 2d/3d rendering. 05:45 < oiaohm> drakonis: not at this stage. wine has run into issue with steam dropping XP support. 05:45 < drakonis> qemu kvm 05:45 < Sabotender> I need native linux, because I am a game programmer 05:45 < michaelrose> I think dual boot makes more sense 05:45 < Sabotender> I tri boot actually 05:45 < sauvin> It's true I can't game in a VBox VM. 05:45 < mwd> doal boot is disruptive ;/ 05:45 < Sabotender> windows, linux, OS X 05:45 < michaelrose> you could hibernate to avoid losing state I would think 05:45 < darkmeson> That's aside from Microsoft having open sourced .net core and allegedly starting to work with the Mono people 05:45 < Sabotender> all three operating systems have their own discreet hard drive 05:46 < revel> Sabotender: Might as well stick FreeDOS and a *BSD into that mix too. 05:46 < Sabotender> I don't do partitions. too much trouble 05:46 < mwd> lol @ discreet 05:46 < Sabotender> *multiple partitions on a single drive 05:46 < drakonis> oiaohm, has it? 05:46 < Sabotender> oops, did I mean discrete? 05:46 < Sabotender> lol 05:46 < michaelrose> whats hard about partitions? 05:46 < revel> Me. 05:47 < sauvin> Sabotender, yes, you meant "discrete". :D 05:47 < mwd> managing grub i suppose 05:47 < oiaohm> drakonis: its the chrome browser sandbox like problems. 05:47 < michaelrose> when it helpfully offers to delete everything if you click on your linux partition just say "no" 05:47 < Sabotender> windows boot loader is nototious for not playing nice with grub and chameleon 05:47 < revel> Chameleon? 05:47 < rouji> Sabotender: it only kills grub when you install windows 05:47 < oiaohm> drakonis: once you get to steam running on windows 7 or latter steam is using sandboxing around games to run them in like containers. 05:47 < mwd> yeah i dont trust windows to do the right thing 05:47 < rouji> after that it's fine 05:48 < Sabotender> revel: chameleon is a boot loader for OSX 05:48 < oiaohm> drakonis: and that requires nt native code stuff that wine does not support yet. 05:48 < revel> rouji: I've heard it kills it after most updates as well. 05:48 < drakonis> Sabotender, are you using BIOS or EFI 05:48 < rouji> revel: hasn't been my experience 05:48 < drakonis> oiaohm, HELLO REACTOS 05:48 < rouji> not for many years 05:48 < oiaohm> drakonis: reactos does not support it yet either. 05:48 < Sabotender> drakonis: UEFI for osx, legacy for windows and linux 05:48 < rouji> even the garbage fire that is windows 10 doesn't mess with the bootloader on major updates 05:48 < drakonis> that's your problem 05:49 < drakonis> windows 10 isn't a garbage fire 05:49 < drakonis> 8 was 05:49 < rouji> yes it is 05:49 < Sabotender> im not a big fan of uefi, sorry 05:49 < revel> Well, I'm definitely getting conflicting reports then. 05:49 < michaelrose> I don't know how to make zfs + grub work with eufi as of yet and only 1 of 3 machines supports it so oh well 05:49 < Sabotender> legacy is just so much more simple to manage 05:49 < justsomeguy> It's just a different kind of garbage fire. Garbage fire as a service. 05:49 < oiaohm> drakonis: there is only 6 versions of Windows 10 some are way better behaved than others. 05:49 < darkmeson> ReactOS is about as stable as XP at this point, but that's not saying much either 05:49 < oiaohm> drakonis: that is 6 supported versions of windows 10. 05:50 < rouji> try managing a big domain full of win10 devices 05:50 < oiaohm> rouji: and I bet they are not all win10 enterprise. 05:50 < michaelrose> is that 6 including the newer workstation sku? 05:50 < rouji> they are as well 05:50 < oiaohm> rouji: so are driving you nuts with random failures. 05:50 < rouji> not me personally, but coworkers 05:51 < Sabotender> I have had lots and lots of uefi linux builds just inexplicably refuse to boot. when I switched back to legacy, that stopped happening 05:51 < Sabotender> lots and lots 05:51 < rouji> having to put up with the nonsensical changes they introduce all the time is maddening 05:51 < darkmeson> michaelrose: if you do full-disk zfs, it automatically creates an EFI system partition. it's mostly just a matter of putting a vfat partition there, mounting it to /boot/efi, and 'grub(2)-install --target=x86_64-efi /dev/sdX' 05:51 < Sabotender> i wonder if any of you actually remember me coming in here complaining about that 05:52 < rouji> how many separate control panels does the current version of win10 have? 5? 05:52 < drakonis> two 05:52 * darkmeson has had no uefi problems that weren't of his own making 05:53 < drakonis> uefi doesn't have any of those issues anyways 05:53 < darkmeson> well, apart from having to boot all the way into windows several times just to access the setting so I could boot linux and install grub anyway 05:54 < rouji> different policy things are also spread all over the place 05:54 < rouji> with the things pertaining to store apps being always horribly broken 05:54 < michaelrose> darkmeson, in theory but it didn't seem to work for me 05:55 < darkmeson> then it turned out that that particular system had a Cherrytrail SoC, so most of the functionality didn't work anyway 05:55 < michaelrose> which is to say it didn't actually boot because there are additional steps + complications with the drive actually being a luks device 05:55 < rouji> loud swearing definitely has increased significantly in our company since windows 10 05:55 < darkmeson> another Baytrail one went fine though 05:56 < justsomeguy> Operating systems are just generally a mess in terms of user experience, unless you limit the interface that users are allowed to use severely. 05:56 < justsomeguy> Like chrome os does. 05:56 < rouji> unix is a lot less messy imo 05:57 < michaelrose> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_editions lists 10 possible editions 05:57 * justsomeguy just tries to embrace the mess, and use the right tool for the job. 05:57 < rouji> not least because you can actually find out what makes things not work when they not work 05:57 < drakonis> you're complaining too much 05:58 < drakonis> how many of those editions are relevant to you? 05:58 < drakonis> the two that are remotely relevant to you are the basic ones 05:58 < drakonis> there's editions made for specific devices 05:58 < rouji> ran into a weird obscure windows bug? well tough tits 05:58 < rouji> no such thing as complaining too much 06:00 < veek> is there a cmd to lookup a word in the system dict 06:00 < veek> i just want a t/f value 06:00 < veek> 1/0 06:01 < darkmeson> you don't even get rdp access anymore unless you pay for one of the high end versions 06:01 < rouji> what system dict? 06:01 < veek> pspell 06:01 < drakonis> veek, apropos? 06:01 < veek> ah Oo thanks! 06:01 < justsomeguy> There is /usr/share/dict, a text file with a list of words. You can grep for your word in there, and if it's not found, grep will exit with 1.q 06:02 < justsomeguy> (It's not always present, though. You might have to install a package.) 06:02 < justsomeguy> Correction, the path is /usr/share/dict/words. 06:02 < darkmeson> or 'echo word |aspell list' if you just want to know if it's misspelled 06:03 < veek> darkmeson, nope i neede a somewhat quick way.. basically i got a string and i want to get rid of rubbish text like 'the' and 'in' 06:04 < Sabotender> see this is why I need to open this image in linux because linux generally ignores windows file permissions 06:08 < darkmeson> Sabotender: it has to since there's no easy way to automatically import windows acls and so forth 06:08 < darkmeson> you CAN modify a lot of the behaviors when using ntfs volumes with mount-time options though. 'man ntfs-3g' 06:10 < Sabotender> is there a way to permanantly move driver files to the linux disc so they will load? I need exfat, for one 06:12 < Sabotender> im tired of having to connect my iphone and downloading the .deb file 06:13 < darkmeson> the exfat implementations are fuse-based, I believe 06:15 < darkmeson> that means it wouldn't be drivers but daemons, and you'd have to explain a bit more for anyone to help you, probably 06:16 < Sabotender> I think what I need to find out is how I can access the..hmm. I could always load linux on my laptop and drop the needed files into a folder of the live boot disc 06:16 < Sabotender> would that work? 06:16 < Sabotender> let me try that, brb, booting into linux 06:19 < Sabotender> debian, baby! ;-) 06:19 < darkmeson> you could always just use a vm 06:20 < Sabotender> oh lord thats too much work, lol 06:20 < darkmeson> how hard is it to attach a file to a vm and boot it from a live cd image? 06:21 < Sabotender> well, because I am doing this from my laptop, which has a fully installed and configured linux build 06:21 < Sabotender> (with internet) 06:21 < darkmeson> hell, you can even do it from your browser these days. https://copy.sh/v86/ 06:22 < darkmeson> Actually, if you're careful not to touch anything the running OS is using, you can boot the secondary OS from within a vm too 06:23 < darkmeson> You either pass it the whole disk or just partitions, but Linux doesn't care either way since most everything uses uuid magic anymore 06:26 < Sabotender> why cant I create any directories or modify files on this ubuntu install USB disc? its very frusturating 06:26 < darkmeson> probably because it's a loopback-mounted squashfs image 06:27 < Sabotender> well I hate that 06:27 < darkmeson> you can convert to to an ext3 image with the same name but the ext3 extension iirc, and then you WOULD be able to modify it 06:28 < Sabotender> I am not sure how to do that, linux is just allowing me to mount it 06:29 < Muimi> If I want to add a new harddrive to my Ubuntu PC and transfer the entire hdd to the new hdd, what can I do? 06:29 < Sabotender> ah its of file type 'isofs' 06:29 < darkmeson> you can also dump the contents of the squashfs, make modifications, and re-squash it back into place, but that's actually a bit more complex and time-consuming 06:29 < autopsy> Muimi, you could use dd. 06:30 < autopsy> You'd need to use mksquashfs and mkisofs. 06:33 < electrosys> im trying to build a mutt macro, and it works as expected but as the end of my macro, I am asked if i would like to purge deleted message. how do I answer yes to this automaticly? 06:43 < j3kyl_> a 07:09 < Euph0ria> Does Qaz give immunity to immolation explosions? 07:27 < darkmeson> Sabotender: it seems like there's a special label or something you can set on a local partition to have it be picked up automatically and used as persistent storage 07:27 < darkmeson> You'd might have to check the wiki or the ubuntu channels for more on that though 07:27 < darkmeson> Muimi: or clonezilla 07:30 < pocketmon> if [ -z $1 ]; then <— what it mean? 07:32 < [R]> pocketmon: [ is the test program, you can read the test man page, or run 'help test' 07:32 < pocketmon> can you teach it directly to me? 07:32 < pocketmon> [R]: ? 07:33 < [R]> i could... but you could read the documentation as well 07:33 < pocketmon> i want to learn it from you :( 07:33 < [R]> and i want you to learn it from the documentation 07:35 < iodev> pocketmon: I can tutor you 07:35 < iodev> PM me, pocketmon 07:35 < prte> what is primary and extended partition when i use the fdisk command 07:36 < sauvin> prte, under traditional DOS MBR, you can have only four primary partitions, but you can have umpteen logical partitions in an extended partition. 07:37 < prte> sauvin: also the purpose of using fdisk and lvm are they same? 07:39 < Sveta> when rsync restores file ownership, does it use user ids or usernames? 07:40 < sauvin> prte, I can't talk about lvm because I've never used it. 07:40 < prte> sauvin: also can we increase the limit for primary partition somewhere? 07:41 < sauvin> prte, under MBR, no. It's a consequence of the way the MBR is structured. 07:41 < prte> is there any other alternative to MBR? 07:43 < iodev> prte: yep, GPT 07:44 < darkmeson> Sveta: uids afair 07:45 < prte> iodev: MBR is used in GRUB and GPT is used in UEFI? am i right here? 07:46 < iodev> prte: :D 07:47 < iodev> BIOS not GRUB :D 07:47 < Psi-Jack> prte: Not quite. 07:47 < Psi-Jack> GRUB works in both MBR and UEFI. 07:47 < prte> sorry I am have less working experience in disk volumes and boot loaders 07:47 < iodev> prte: no problem, but you did make my day, thank you :D 07:48 < Psi-Jack> MBR can be used in both msdos and GPT partition table structures, while UEFI only works in GPT. 07:49 < darkmeson> do you guys have any indicators how that prte user is connected? 07:49 < darkmeson> I don't even see any of their messages for some reason 07:49 < Psi-Jack> darkmeson: Web Gateway. 07:50 < darkmeson> That's interesting 07:50 < darkmeson> I was figuring it was some other sort of bridge to another network 07:51 < Psi-Jack> Nope. 07:51 < Psi-Jack> There in this channel, on this network. 07:51 < darkmeson> Matrix' IRC bridge must just be being quirky atm 07:51 < darkmeson> Thanks 07:52 < iodev> darkmeson: why use Matrix 07:52 < iodev> I just use a ZNC, it's much better 07:52 < darkmeson> Psi-Jack: hello again, for the first time, btw 07:52 < Psi-Jack> iodev: Why not just use direct IRC? It works so directly. 07:53 < darkmeson> iodev: because it bridges to tons of IRC networks, and also because I've had bad luck trying to find a winning combination that would get to freenode through tor on an android device 07:54 < Psi-Jack> Tor. Bleg.. That's the flaw. 07:54 < iodev> darkmeson: I mean hosting your own ZNC 07:55 < iodev> sharing, bah humbug! 07:56 < darkmeson> In fact, I have to do absolutely nothing special to connect to Matrix over Tor, and I was even able to register without having to find a workaround for the serious limitation in the registration process for Tor users 07:56 < darkmeson> Actually, that's the other interesting part 07:56 < iodev> darkmeson: and do you trust TOR? 07:57 < darkmeson> You get a bouncer essentially "for free" due to the way Matrix handles messages 07:57 < darkmeson> so in a way it's kind of like irccloud, except way more Tor-friendly 07:57 < Psi-Jack> And 0% benefit. 07:57 < iodev> darkmeson: free, but is SLA 99.9 guaranteed? 07:57 < iodev> with DigitalOcean I know that when I want to use my bouncer, it's there! 07:58 < iodev> be it day or be it night 07:58 < darkmeson> for my threat model, yes 07:58 < iodev> same for strongswan, the VPN is there 07:59 < prte> what is the command to find the filesystem type? 07:59 < darkmeson> the problem is that they know who you are, and so does the US government 07:59 < prte> when i do df -h, i see list of partitions, now i want to know what kind of file system these partition use 08:00 < iodev> darkmeson: the US gov is not my fear 08:00 < iodev> i don't want my ISP snooping 08:00 < darkmeson> the latter knowing who you are practically guarantees it to be common knowledge because we already have ample evidence demonstrating how bad they are with keeping secrets 08:00 < darkmeson> ah, there's prte 08:01 < lnnb> prte: cat /proc/mounts theres probably a nicer program made for this 08:01 < darkmeson> hello :) 08:01 < darkmeson> prte: cat /proc/mounts to see mounted filesystems with types 08:01 * Psi-Jack yawns. 08:01 < prte> thanks lnnb darkmeson 08:01 < iodev> prte: you can also just type "mount" 08:02 < darkmeson> or 'blkid /dev/whatever', or 'file -s -L /dev/whatever' 08:02 < storge> prte: di 08:02 < storge> prte: or, di -x tmpfs to clean it up a little bit 08:02 < prte> storge: di? 08:03 < iodev> there, I'm now hooked up to 802.3 network 08:03 < darkmeson> iodev: it's not mine either. I mainly want to control who can disseminate my real world identity with my pseudonymous identity so I have some level of control over who has how detailed of file on me 08:03 < darkmeson> I can only do that if they can't prove identity, because their inability to prove identity effectively means they'd end up on the losing end of a libel, defamation, or slander case (in theory) 08:03 < Psi-Jack> Hmmm 08:03 < Psi-Jack> Seems flatpak has the same sandboxing issue that snaps have. :/ 08:04 < storge> ~ > di -x tmpfs 08:04 < storge> Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 08:04 < Psi-Jack> sauvin: You've been messing somewhat with these snaps, flatpaks, appimages haven't you? 08:04 < storge> oops 08:04 < storge> di - advanced df like disk information utility 08:04 < storge> fack 08:05 < darkmeson> of course. they're just containers, not virt 08:05 < storge> what's going on with my copypaste 08:05 * storge goes to see 08:05 < storge> anyway prte di is a df-like info utility, but more better 08:07 < iodev> darkmeson: I don't know I'm no journalist, got nothing so top secret to protect 08:07 < lnnb> lsblk -f will tell you about fs of your unmounted cdrom 08:09 < darkmeson> iodev: it's less about protecting secrets and more about preventing being on the disadvantaged end of the growing information asymmetry. which is literally the term you'd look up if you want to know more, "information asymmetry" 08:09 < storge> +1 08:12 < storge> when your adversary (a government, an advertising agency, whatever) can identify you solely by your gait because of the phone you carry in your wallet, you're at a distinct disadvantage against their surveillance, be it for radical statist or marketing ends. knowing they can do it allows you to decide to take the phone out of your pocket, which is not to say that everyone is out to get you, but that you 08:12 < storge> can make decisions if you understand your threat environment 08:12 < storge> in your pocket* 08:14 < storge> i'm pretty much a vanilla open book, but i still want to avoid the ubiquity of my data to everyone who pays for access--especially when i can't pay for the same access 08:16 < darkmeson> Indeed, and that's information asymmetry in a nutshell 08:17 < darkmeson> anyone so inclined to look further need only look at the headlines over the past several years to realize that all of that "anonymous" data is collecting isn't so anonymous after all 08:19 < lnnb> never trust an os that doesn't come with a text editor 08:19 < darkmeson> people act like I'm going overboard in saying that anything that phones home without explicit user consent is spyware, but that's the point we've come to, even in foss 08:19 < Psi-Jack> Man, whomever said flatpak was slow.... I question: How? It's super fast for me. 08:20 < storge> facebook just admitted it tracks mouse movements. i read years ago that researchers could identify individual humans by their characteristic mouse sweeps and clicks. at some point (in the future or it's already happened), even the public terminal is not anonymous even if you want it to be. [so use your left hand for the mouse while you're at the library, hehe] 08:20 < darkmeson> even a seemingly innocuous set of bug reports and telemetry data might not be so harmless once it's cross-referenced against other data sets 08:20 < lnnb> why else would they need microsecond timer precision in browser JS 08:20 < darkmeson> and of course most of our computing life happens in a browser, so extra "paranoia" over what they're doing is warrant imo 08:21 < prte> i have a root volume, now can i increase the inodes in that volume by using sudo mkfs.ext3 -N 20000 /dev/sdf 08:21 < darkmeson> ScriptSafe actually allows you to inject random delays in keystrokes at least 08:22 < prte> but it says target it busy when i try umounting 08:22 < prte> is there a way i can change the number of inodes for the root volume? 08:22 < darkmeson> it makes for a pretty aggravating user experience at delays high enough to matter, but it's nice to have the option 08:23 < darkmeson> prte: tune2fs 08:23 < storge> darkmeson: a friend of mine duplicated a photo with his own phone that his buddy had taken on a year earlier, just by using the exif to find the spot and orientation. same location, same orientation of the phone, essentially the same photo--but with a different sky. 08:24 < storge> do photo posting sites strip exif data? why would they, when they can sell it to someone, someday, for analytics. 08:26 < prte> darkmeson: can i umount the root volume? 08:27 < darkmeson> prte: hm, maybe not. 'umount /dev/sdf' says it isn't mounted? and there aren't any mounted partitions within it? 08:27 < darkmeson> storge: that's why there's an app on F-Droid called Scrambled EXIF ;) 08:27 < darkmeson> of course, course you have to know to do that first, and there's the rub 08:27 < darkmeson> prte: if by root you mean system root, then no. you'd have to boot from live media or another partition 08:28 < storge> darkmeson: exactly. you don't know what you don't know. 08:28 < prte> darkmeson: no i have only one partition 08:30 < darkmeson> the browser situation is much, much worse than people realize though. you're essentially giving random third parties carte blanche to run arbitrary code in it, and cryptocurrency miners are only the beginning of the exploits people will dream up for asm.js and webassemblies 08:32 < storge> can't infect the computer? turn their browser into a spam relay! 08:33 < darkmeson> prte: wait, maybe you should explain what you're trying to do and why first 08:34 < darkmeson> something isn't adding up 08:34 < prte> darkmeson: all i am trying to do is increasing the inode of root volume by using the tune2fs -I or mkfs.ext4 -N 08:35 < darkmeson> run an emulator with a small OS payload, find an exploit in some api (USB maybe), then Bob's your uncle 08:36 < darkmeson> the first part of that is already possible, in fact. https://copy.sh/v86/ 08:37 < darkmeson> prte: well, you do NOT want to use mkfs on an existing filesystem with data that you want to keep, mounted or otherwise 08:37 < darkmeson> tune2fs would be your only option there 08:37 < darkmeson> If /dev/sdf is your system root as I understand it to be, that means you'd have to boot from live media to have it unmounted so that you could use tune2fs on it 08:38 < prte> darkmeson: sure make sense 08:39 < darkmeson> btw, the github for the v86 emulator above. https://github.com/copy/v86 08:41 < darkmeson> People are probably going to get sick of me posting it, but it's the best example I've found of the wonder and horror of JSified code. There are also some interesting games and things if you strip off the /v86 08:41 < prte> can i use this v86 emulator for aws instance 08:43 < darkmeson> If you have a disk image to feed it, probably 08:43 < darkmeson> it'd be local to whoever's system is running the browser that it's running in though 08:44 < darkmeson> and probably not particularly scaleable if it were to be used as any sort of multi-user server 08:45 < darkmeson> it and most JSified code like it CAN be ran on nodejs instead though 08:49 < MacWinner> i'm trying to troubleshoot a weird issue that seems like it's networking. I'm SSH'd into remote server with a couple terminal windows. occasioanlly one of the windows where I'm using vim to edit a file just basic hangs for a while.. it eventually comes back. but during this time I am able to ping the server with no packet loss and other SSH sessions to this same server seem responsive.. any theories on why this is? the box has no real load on it 08:49 < MacWinner> either. 08:50 < Dagmar> Interesting 08:50 < Dagmar> What type of "terminal window" are you using? 08:50 < autopsy> MacWinner, maybe the socket went into TIME_WAIT state? 08:50 < autopsy> FIN_WAIT 08:51 < Dagmar> It's vim on the other end. It should respond to keypresses 08:51 < MacWinner> I'm just ssh'ing in from my Mac using iterm 08:51 < Dagmar> ...and if it went into FIN_WAIT it would be because the connection is closing. 08:51 < Dagmar> I kinda think he'd notice that 08:51 < Dagmar> It _could be_ packet lotss 08:51 < Dagmar> er loss 08:51 < MacWinner> i tried pinging with large packets too 08:51 < Dagmar> The next time it happens, _time it_ to the second 08:52 < MacWinner> i have a ping constantly going 08:52 < MacWinner> 0 loss 08:52 < Dagmar> If it comes up a nice, round value like 300 seconds, then you know it's going to be a retransmit timeout 08:52 < Dagmar> Doesn't matter 08:52 < notmike> Pong 08:52 < darkmeson> It's actual baremetal rather than a vm, and there's nothing in dmesg indicating a driver problem I presume? 08:52 < Dagmar> It only takes _one_ packet to not make it to stall things, especially if they're arriving out of order 08:52 < MacWinner> rt times are 80-120ms. no big spikes 08:52 < MacWinner> hmm.. let me try again 08:52 < MacWinner> maybe i missed it 08:53 < Dagmar> It'll take an obvious and significant number of seconds before the IP stack gets tired of waiting for it and requests it be resent 08:53 < Dagmar> Whether or not you can run a continuous ping to the same host in another window doesn't really matter 08:54 < Dagmar> ...it's also not the greatest of tests since ICMP are handled differently from TCP by basically, everything 08:54 < MacWinner> Dagmar, if this is the issue, any suggestions on how to alleviate it? 08:54 < darkmeson> might also check the dropped packet count on the relevant interface, just in case 08:54 < Dagmar> If you're handy with a sniffer like wireshark you should start logging the traffic on one of your ssh sessions (in both directions) and wait for it to stall 08:54 < Dagmar> The last part of the packet log would explain why the connection stalled 08:54 < MacWinner> darkmeson, oh, interesting.. is that using ifconfig? 08:54 < Dagmar> you'd just have to be handy with reading that arcane output 08:55 < Dagmar> MacWinner: On the off chance that it's *(not* that, there *is* an escape key that can be enabled for ssh 08:55 < MacWinner> yeah, i was going to go to wireshark last.. i use to use it all the time 08:55 < Dagmar> MacWinner: Like, you can bind that to some key you don't use often, and when the connection stalls, you can smack that key and get a prompt that you can use to poke directly at ssh and ask it WTF is going on 08:55 < Dagmar> I doubt it'll reveal much, but it might reveal something screwey 08:56 < darkmeson> yes, ifconfig shows dropped counts 08:56 < Dagmar> MacWinner: It's also altogether possible that someone's dimwitted attempt at firewalling ICMP types they don't recognize is *blocking* the retransmit request 08:56 < darkmeson> presumably some invocation of ip does too, but I haven't gotten that far into it yet 08:57 < Dagmar> ...or that it's blocking a window resize request (which is a lot more common) 08:57 < sauvin> Looks like Bing bit the big one for a while. Way to go, Microsoft! 08:57 < Dagmar> (TCP window, not SIGWINCH) 08:57 < MacWinner> Dagmar, the wireshark output should def get this right? 08:57 < Dagmar> MacWinner: to really play dirty you'd log everythihg for that one session from _both_ ends, then you could actually see which packet didn't arrive 08:58 < Dagmar> On just one end Wireshark should get *ahem* half the picture 08:58 < hexnewbie> sauvin: What did they do? 08:58 < Dagmar> Enough to make a determination if you need to actually look at both ends 08:58 < Dagmar> Just be glad it's not an "organic" problem 08:58 < sauvin> hexnewbie, at the moment, I can't search for anything on it because latency is astronomical. 08:58 < Dagmar> ...like a dog peeing on a distribution amp outside 08:59 < darkmeson> MacWinner: it never hurts to let mtr run for a while either and see what kind of latencies are popping up 08:59 < Dagmar> bing came up immediately here 08:59 < Dagmar> Maybe someone screwed the pooch on their BGP update 08:59 < darkmeson> at the very least it'd give you an idea of the quality of your link 08:59 < Dagmar> (Hilariously, that's the first time I've ever even seen Bing) 08:59 < hexnewbie> sauvin: Hmfp. Searches for me. May be their local balancer? 09:00 < darkmeson> (even if someone is deprioritizing icmp echos, etc) 09:00 < sauvin> Could be. Been working very well all day until just a few minutes ago. 09:01 < darkmeson> sauvin: sub-second response to a query here, and that's fast for Tor 09:01 < darkmeson> sauvin: mtr it and see if your ISP is having issues? :) 09:02 < sauvin> It's not the ISP even *without* the mtr (which I did) because everything ELSE is zippy as hell. 09:02 < V7> Hey all 09:02 < V7> i3-wm doesn't show any text on fresh arch install 09:03 < hexnewbie> sauvin: I suspect the problem is in the computer Bing.com resolves for you, but not in Bing at large, or with your connection personally. I know kernel.org's CDN has done that. 09:03 < notmike> Bing is the greatest search engine of the times 09:03 < sauvin> That's a matter of opinion, and not everybody shares yours. 09:03 < darkmeson> sauvin: that was poor wording on my part. I should've said some hop between you and bing, but I was being lazy 09:04 < hexnewbie> notmike: You have such low opinion of the search engine of the times? :) 09:04 < repys> hi how can I determine why my external (usb) switch off itself ? 09:05 < notmike> hexnewbie: I didn't decide it, it was a majority of the internet wut done it. 09:05 < darkmeson> mtr will typically reveal a problem even it's an overloaded node because that node will be dropping packets like crazy under most circumstances 09:07 < darkmeson> repys: that sounds like a job for ##hardware 09:08 < V7> Anyone :) 09:08 < V7> ? 09:09 < Psi-Jack> V7: What're you expecting? 09:09 < darkmeson> V7: your question was too vague, probably 09:09 < Psi-Jack> Not probably... Definitely. 09:10 < Psi-Jack> sauvin: You've been messing somewhat with these snaps, flatpaks, appimages haven't you? 09:11 < V7> Psi-Jack: darkmeson This is how it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/AHOuPfp.jpg 09:11 < V7> Can't determine why 09:11 < Psi-Jack> Looks like.... Missing fonts. 09:12 < V7> Looks like, but I've installed xorg wchich installs xorg-font-util, xorg-fonts-100dpi and so on 09:13 < darkmeson> or a theme issue 09:13 < V7> theme ? 09:13 < Psi-Jack> It's i3. It's fonts. 09:13 < V7> Psi-Jack: How to check ? 09:13 < Psi-Jack> Install fonts. 09:13 < hexnewbie> I managed to get a similar result when I borked my fonts.conf (either the local or the global one), and fontconfig forwent all my font directories. 09:13 < V7> How to ? 09:13 < V7> pacman -S ttf-dejavu ? 09:13 < Psi-Jack> Arch is too much for you. Switch to a distro you can use and properly learn on. 09:13 < darkmeson> try clicking like you're going to select some text and see if any pops out of the highlight 09:13 < hexnewbie> But I don't know if i3 uses fontconfig. 09:13 < sauvin> Psi-Jack, snaps and flatpaks, yes. 09:14 < Psi-Jack> sauvin: Making them, if I recall, right? 09:14 < Psi-Jack> Or using? 09:14 < sauvin> No, just using. 09:14 < darkmeson> if it doesn't, it's probably fonts 09:14 < Psi-Jack> sauvin: Come to any determinations? 09:14 < TheWild> hello 09:14 < TheWild> I got one wtf today 09:15 < sauvin> Nope. The only thing I can say at the moment, from my humble perspective, is that snap is nicer because I can navigate into relevant directories and edit configs, add stuff, etc. 09:15 < TheWild> why "watch" command accepts "-n 0,1", but not "-n 0.1" anymore? 09:15 < sauvin> I've not figured out how to do that with flatpak apps. 09:15 < TheWild> on another computer the situation is reversed 09:15 < Psi-Jack> sauvin: Hmm. I don't like snaps because of 2 reasons. 1> Canonical. 2> The sanboxing is literally restricting to $HOME, and if you symlink things outside of $HOME it will not allow access to them. 09:16 < sauvin> Psi-Jack, you need to be aware that others have complained about snaps, something to do with Ubuntu-centricism. 09:16 < Psi-Jack> With Flatpak, at least you can add --filesystem=/some/other/path 09:16 < TheWild> on both computer it's the same version: "watch from procps-ng 3.3.10" 09:16 < revel> TheWild: Locale possibly maybe? 09:17 < TheWild> locale? How the hell locale could mess with a command? :O 09:17 < sauvin> I'll have to remember that --filesystem=blah thing because that's what's bebuggerating me atm. 09:17 < sadasaulna> TheWild: yeah locale, almost certainly 09:17 < revel> There's LC_NUMERIC 09:17 < TheWild> if it's locale, I consider it a bug in "watch" 09:17 < Psi-Jack> sauvin: Yeah, in my $HOME, I have many symlinks to Documents, Pictures, Videos, etc... To a mass storage device that's spinning, rather than SSD. 09:17 < sadasaulna> TheWild: why? 09:18 < Psi-Jack> Nextcloud, for example, is symlinked, and thus, using snaps Nextcloud client failed miserably. 09:18 < revel> Dunno, just try `LC_NUMERIC=C watch -n 0.5` 09:18 < TheWild> what if it is written in bash script? 09:18 < revel> fwiw, both 0.5 and 0,5 work for me. 09:18 < TheWild> well, I set LC_NUMERIC=C in my .bashrc file 09:18 < revel> No, just that on the same line. 09:19 < TheWild> what other commands could behave so strangely? 09:19 < V7> Psi-Jack: fonts work, but not in i3 as you can see: https://i.imgur.com/BphQ0OK.jpg 09:19 < revel> Did it change anything or not? 09:19 < Psi-Jack> V7: Arch is still too much for you. 09:19 < V7> Psi-Jack: Thank you, but I need to use arch right now, sorry 09:20 < Psi-Jack> "need?" 09:20 < V7> So, any ideas ? 09:20 < TheWild> ok, thanks sadasaulna and revel 09:20 < TheWild> I would really get pissed off if e.g. python would use , instead of . as decimal separator, depending on locale 09:21 < TheWild> every programming/scripting language I know or seen used . as a decimal separator 09:21 < sadasaulna> TheWild: thats a bit like saying everyone speaks English on the Internet though 09:21 < Psi-Jack> V7: I'll just keep telling you the same thing. Though, have you tried #archlinux? 09:21 < revel> They don't? o_o 09:22 < michaelrose> programming languages aren't localized nor reasonably should they be 09:22 < revel> Has everyone just been pretending? 09:22 < V7> Psi-Jack: This is arch32, not arch so I can't go there 09:22 < darkmeson> lol 09:22 < Psi-Jack> LOL 09:22 < Psi-Jack> Gee.. You claim arch, then it's not arch. 09:23 < darkmeson> I'd forgotten how funny some of these exchanges can be 09:23 < darkmeson> (when it's not me in them) 09:23 < V7> uuh. And you're in the same mannere 09:23 < Psi-Jack> That didn't even make any bit of sense. 09:24 < Dagmar> Maybe this is a nomenclature confusion? 09:25 < Dagmar> TheWild: Don't worry. Java is there to provide enough confusion for several different languages. 09:26 < Dagmar> TheWild: It makes it seem perfectly reasonable to just demand format strings use en_US separators when you see how complex it actually becomes in languages that don't 09:26 < Dagmar> Translate your numbers to Arabic with #,##.## and it'll crash 09:28 < pressure679> Is there a program available which autocorrects words? There is one here https://github.com/sandor-nemeth/go-word-finder/blob/master/word-finder.go but instead of implementing it to my own program I was hoping there was a tools readily available (commandline tool) 09:28 < pressure679> s/tols/tools/g 09:28 < pressure679> s/tools/tools/g 09:28 < pressure679> s/tools/tool/g 09:28 < Psi-Jack> Sheash.. 09:29 < TheWild> okay, the only language that I saw localized to my language was logo. "lw" was left, "pw" was right, "np" was forward... but AFAIR english originals still worked. 09:29 < TheWild> but it was a toy language 09:30 < Dagmar> I kept getting complaints from the automated testing in the Play Store for an app I've got that does a bit of number crunching, and when I looked into why I was kinda miffed 09:30 < Dagmar> Programming languages should generally _not_ be localized 09:30 < Dagmar> They are a _language_ unto themselves. 09:31 < Dagmar> Logo was a very special case, since you were basically just assigning short names to atomic operations 09:31 < TheWild> much like assembly ;) 09:31 < Dagmar> Absolutely 09:32 < Dagmar> ...except even the assembly used on the first machines that ran Logo had hundreds more operators 09:33 < repys> how can I disable auto shutdown of external disks? 09:33 < Dagmar> hdparm... USE WITH CAUTION 09:33 < Dagmar> Seriously 09:34 < Dagmar> You can change/disable the timeouts on the drives themselves, but the values are seldom set as clock seconds 09:34 < Dagmar> ...and this is not a tool you should just be *idly* poking at your disks with in this way 09:35 < Dagmar> You *can* set absolutely stupid values for certain things that will cause the drive to die inside of a year 09:36 < Dagmar> Be quite sure of which setting you're changing before you actually try and change it. Google is your friend on this one 09:49 < autopsy> hdparm is a good tool. 10:03 < V7> Uh 10:03 < V7> Can't get this i3 to work 10:03 < V7> It just doesn't show any character, even I'd changed font type 10:10 < TheNH813> First off, I'v already searched the internet with disappointing results. Does anyone know of a lsb-release file collection from a bunch of different distros? 10:11 < prawn> you mean the standard noone wants to fully adhere to? :) 10:11 < TheNH813> Yeah that XD 10:11 < revel> Which one? 10:11 < TheNH813> lsb-release 10:11 < revel> That was a joke. 10:12 < notmike> Even though I troll u bros alot, its because I like you so much 10:12 < iflema> revel: which one or lsb-release 10:12 < revel> The former. 10:12 < revel> Since there's tons of those. 10:12 < notmike> gotta make you tuff for when actual bad trolls roll thru 10:12 < revel> I <3 u 2, !mike 10:12 < iflema> lua 10:12 < iodev> I finally fixed my Wifi, did a bit of analysis, found channel 7 with least persons 10:13 < TheNH813> I just want referrences for the distributor names of a few common distros, without having to guess. Developing software that needs to use specific commands based on vendor, based on default installed packages. 10:13 < iflema> ! 10:13 < iodev> 40 MHz bandwidth should be illegal! It occupies too many channels! 10:13 < TheNH813> One such example being playsound vs ogg123. 10:14 < revel> TheNH813: screenfetch figures out the distro/version for tons of things, that might be worth having a look at. 10:14 < TheNH813> Hmmm... 10:14 < TheNH813> I will look into that. 10:14 < dasfamiliar> Hello everyone 10:15 < TheNH813> revel: Yeah that's exactly what I need. 10:15 < revel> Cool. 10:15 < TheNH813> Thanks. 10:17 < TheNH813> And I'l be honest, my program may be a collection of shell scripts and python. It does.... things. Scheduled popup reminders, mounting cifs shares, editing bootloader config, converting video files.... yeah I'm basically condensing all my scripts into one executable. 10:18 < TheNH813> And then simlinking it to the places it was before. Kindof like what busybox does. 10:18 < TheNH813> It figures out what to do based on the name it's called by. 10:18 < revel> Neat. 10:20 < TheNH813> It's basically going to be my "copy it to /usr/local/bin and everything just works" tool. 10:20 < TheNH813> So for needing distro detection. d: 10:20 < cheapie> busier-box! :P 10:22 < TheNH813> That's... surprisingly a fitting name for it. Honestly, mind if I use it? 10:23 < revel> You'd probably have to ask the Busybox people instead of him. 10:23 < probook> hi 10:23 < iodev> cheapie: quick, I'll give you 1$ for the copyright to busierbox 10:23 < iodev> TheNH813: 1 word: Royalty 10:23 < TheNH813> probook: Hello 10:24 < probook> TheNH813: bsd or Linux ? :) 10:24 < TheNH813> I use Linux. Rarely did anything bsd related. 10:24 < TheNH813> Besides a router VM here or there. 10:25 < probook> TheNH813: NT is better :) hahah 10:25 < TheNH813> lol no thanks. 10:26 < revel> I wonder if even ##windows agrees with you. 10:26 < probook> windows is love linux :) lol 10:27 < TheNH813> revel: I'd bet that. I'd not touch NT with a 30 foot pole. 10:27 < Travankor> probook: you use freebsd? 10:27 < probook> microsoft want to own all linux and rights 10:27 < TheNH813> I don't doubt that one bit either. 10:28 < probook> Travankor: im already use Gnu but i tried bsd as network things 10:28 < TheNH813> Especially with the E-E-E tactics in the pact. 10:28 < revel> TheNH813: I mean if even ##windows agrees with probook on NT being better. 10:28 < sauvin> They wouldn't. 10:29 < probook> revel: im agree with all technology :) 10:29 < revel> Preaching $x on ##${i} doesn't seem like an amazing idea. 10:30 < Travankor> probook: you mean gnu hurd? 10:30 < revel> He will in 60 years. 10:30 < probook> Travankor: not really 10:30 < TheNH813> Personally, I think one of the best choices I ever made was to force myself to fully switch over when XP ended support. 10:31 < revel> Poppycock, it got patched less than a year ago! 10:31 < revel> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=55245 10:31 < revel> Or. Hmm. Just over a year ago. 10:31 < TheNH813> Oh yeah, that little unexpected patch. 10:32 < probook> there is better thing about gnu tools when you use arch or so on with i3 or so on you feel better 10:32 < iflema> :D 10:32 < revel> probook: Hmm. Err. According to your CTCP VERSION response, you live in the future... 10:33 < TheNH813> I use Arch now. It was a near seamless switch for me, a few months ago. 10:33 < TheNH813> Got a couple issues I had to sidestep, but the AUR helps greatly. 10:33 < probook> revel: yes i am : ) ( : 10:33 < TheNH813> probook: Do tell us the secret to time travel. 10:34 < TheNH813> It would be of the utmost usefullness. 10:34 < probook> TheNH813: arch is suger HARD 10:34 < revel> Well. You should get that fixed. Set up an NTP daemon. 10:34 < iflema> TheNH813: just remember... try not to upgrade and then shutdown and or not look. If you on a laptop restart it after kernel upgrades not just shut the lid... 10:34 < iflema> point being it can bite if you look away 10:34 < revel> No, wait, that's not the future, that's a month in the past and time's stopped. 10:35 < probook> TheNH813: anyway dont not what are you talking about :) 10:35 < revel> Fake VERSION response then. 10:35 < TheNH813> iflema: Yeah it hangs and fails to power off after updates sometimes. 10:35 < iflema> I ran it for over 8 years and it stopped me once 10:35 < iflema> but for most it would be no go 10:35 < TheNH813> Alt+Printscr+B usually solves that. 10:36 < probook> TheNH813: the real future is what we called now 10:36 < revel> Just B? o_o 10:36 < TheNH813> That's deep. 10:36 < revel> Do a full REISUB, at least. 10:36 < TheNH813> Well, if it hangs for me, it's usually past the disk umount part. 10:37 < TheNH813> But yeah REISUB is a better idea. 10:37 < TheNH813> At least the SUB part. 10:37 < TheNH813> Which reminds me..... 10:38 < iflema> TheNH813: you may require a kernel argument to allow your board to shutdown 10:38 < TheNH813> Possibly. It works if I don't update though. 10:38 < probook> who think about full AI kernel ? 10:38 < TheNH813> And not every update does it either. 10:39 < TheNH813> I haven't enabled sysrq on my new laptop. 10:39 < TheNH813> I need to do that immediately. 10:39 < iflema> TheNH813: be carefull if you on a laptop and you suspend... probably the easiest to overlook 10:40 < iflema> its the way arch does kernels and is a problem 10:40 < TheNH813> iflema: Which problem would I overlook? The reboot hang thing? 10:41 < iflema> reboots after updated kernels 10:41 < TheNH813> Is that because it deletes all the kernel modules for the old (still running) version? 10:41 < iflema> possibly... if on laptop.... just saying 10:41 < probook> what is the best laptops for linux ? 10:41 < iflema> TheNH813: yes 10:42 < TheNH813> probook: Hmmmmm 10:42 < iflema> asus i would say 10:42 < TheNH813> I bought a Lenovo Thinkpad. 10:42 < iflema> not that i test or buy 10:42 < TheNH813> AMD based version. A12-9720P 10:42 < TheNH813> But I would do some searching for a vendor's history of Linux compatibility first. 10:42 < probook> in the internet they list dell laptops as best match with linux 10:42 < iflema> i know what ill get next time 10:43 < iflema> lool 10:43 < iflema> fuck em 10:43 < TheNH813> One funny thing I'v noticed is Intel based laptops crash when I try to boot FreeDOS on them. 10:43 < probook> Dell xps 13 Linux laptops :) 10:44 < TheNH813> But AMD ones almost always work. 10:44 < TheNH813> Perhaps AMD leaves better 16 bit real mode support hanging in. 10:44 < probook> sometimes AMD almost work better than INTEL 10:44 < TheNH813> Especially if it's price. 10:45 < TheNH813> I mean both make good hardware, but I'm definitely on the AMD side. 10:45 < probook> the main problem with linux now is game :) 10:45 < TheNH813> Yup. 10:46 < probook> game companies not attention to make games for linux Desktop users 10:46 < morf> yeah read blizzard's ceo bs 10:46 < bazhang> steam says otherwise 10:46 < Travankor> link? 10:47 < TheNH813> WINE has come a FAR way but nothing beats native. 10:47 < bazhang> steam actually runs faster on linux than windows 10:47 < TheNH813> I can confirm that. 10:47 < probook> however Sony Playstation Kernel is so closer to unix and bsd 10:47 < TheNH813> Steam starts up REALLY fast for me. 10:48 < bazhang> wine is the dead last solution 10:48 < probook> steam is the valve key to be rich :) 10:48 < oiaohm> probook: sony playstation kernel is based around freebsd. 10:48 < bazhang> better to play in a browser or dosbox 10:48 < probook> oiaohm: yes you right but i mean it's made with unix like kernel not hybrid kernel 10:48 < oiaohm> probook: to be correct FreeBSD version 9.0. This include having matching defects that required fixing. 10:49 < TheNH813> oiaohm: lol 10:49 < probook> almost linux kernel is faster than other why not to make a gaming platform on it ? 10:50 < oiaohm> probook: license. 10:50 < probook> oiaohm: what licenses ? 10:50 < TheNH813> I'd say Android counts.... but not really. That's a whole other can of worms I don't want to open. 10:51 < oiaohm> probook: lot of game and console companies want Digital Rights Management. GPL is not really that friendly for that. 10:51 < Disconsented> CPU overhead isnt the problem. The problem is vendor support and GPU drivers 10:51 < TheNH813> Steam provides a decent Linux compatable DRM api. But they're pretty much the only platform that does. 10:51 < probook> oiaohm: but before make licenses you should make the platform then you can define millions of them 10:52 < bazhang> probook, make licenses? 10:52 < TheNH813> At least we don't have to rely on flash for DRM protected video playback anymore. 10:52 < probook> bazhang: yes why not 10:52 < bazhang> probook, do you know what the GPL is? 10:53 < oiaohm> probook: You want content from game companies for your console you have to have the features they want include Digitial right management and licensing software the way they want. 10:53 < probook> bazhang: yes i do 10:53 < bazhang> probook, you dont make licenses, they come with them 10:53 < oiaohm> probook: that in a lot cases is kernel level enforced digital right management. 10:53 < TheNH813> probook: You mean generate keys to sell for your program? 10:53 < oiaohm> probook: now that gets hell with GPL license but is find with BSD license so sony went freebsd. 10:54 < oiaohm> probook: find/fine with BSD license. 10:54 < probook> okey but i mean when richard st made gpl where they came ? they made with him 10:54 < TheNH813> The BSD license is short and to the point. 10:54 < bazhang> st richard? 10:55 < TheNH813> But the GPL is a lot stronger, legal-wise. At least in my opinion, because of how verbose and legalese it is. 10:55 < TheNH813> But I could be wrong. 10:55 < Travankor> yeah 10:55 < bazhang> ibm redhat and others have a huge warchest to defend the GPL probook 10:56 < probook> bazhang: yes i know always companies made this problems 10:56 < bazhang> probook, who is this 'they' that you say made the gpl 10:56 < bazhang> probook, it's not a problem, they do it for their own benefit 10:56 < probook> bazhang: what do you mean ? 10:57 < probook> bzdocha: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html 10:57 < bazhang> probook, are you familiar with redhat ibm and other such companies that depend on Linux? 10:57 < probook> bzdocha: yes they are need money 10:58 < bazhang> prbk? 10:58 < bazhang> that's not why probook 10:58 < probook> bzdocha: okey you tell us why ? 10:58 < bazhang> probook, thats not my nick 10:59 < probook> bazhang: lol you fuuny :) 10:59 < bazhang> ? 10:59 < oiaohm> probook: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/LICENSES/exceptions/Linux-syscall-note No Linux kernel is GPL v2.0 10:59 < bazhang> probook, you seem to little to no understanding of the GPL 11:00 < Travankor> or he’s trolling 11:00 < bazhang> hard to say 11:00 < probook> i dont know what do you mean 11:01 < oiaohm> probook: there are many features that Linux kernel is allowed to have that are patented that freebsd cannot implement because they are patented by vmware, IBM and others and are only allowed in open source under a GPL copyleft license. 11:01 < probook> GPL is not from stars or alians 11:01 < bazhang> huh 11:01 < TheNH813> oiaohm: I didn't even know that there are features bsd can't implement for that reason. 11:01 < oiaohm> probook: so Linux kernel license is why it performs so well. It also what makes it in-compadible with some use cases. 11:02 < bazhang> whatever the case, this is not worth carrying on 11:02 < Sveta> probook: you may wish to speak with #gnu 11:02 < probook> I think someday all of rights and licences will purge 11:02 < oiaohm> TheNH813: one of the oldest has been Linux implementation of RCU that comes from IBM own Unix. 11:02 < Sveta> probook: people there are a bit better at explaining things than certain people here 11:03 < oiaohm> TheNH813: so yes there is stuff in the Linux kernel protected by patents and patent license is dependant on GPL license. 11:04 < probook> in many of countries this licences and right has no any mean really people dont know about them :) 11:04 < TheNH813> oiaohm: Thanks for the imformation. 11:06 < oiaohm> probook: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat 11:06 < oiaohm> probook: read that link not being aware of the law does not protect you from the law. 11:06 < bazhang> I sincerely doubt that MS and Apple are just going to say whatever about their things being pirated 11:07 < morf> you mean ignorance doesn't protect you against the law 11:07 < bazhang> ignorance of the law 11:07 < Purec> within reasons c'mon 11:08 < Sveta> how do i limit an app to start only one instance even if launched multiple times? 11:09 < revel> Lock file? Checks proc list? 11:09 < supernovah> is it possible to use find to search through the $PATH only? 11:09 < probook> some day #linux gonna be part of Microsoft and we will see what the licences :) 11:09 < bazhang> ? 11:10 < oiaohm> Purec: to be correct not being aware of the law does not mean you will not have punishment for breaking. Only thing not being aware of the law is for is punishment negitation. 11:10 < TheNH813> Sveta: Create a file in a program writable directory with a sensible name, such as myprogram.lock 11:10 < TheNH813> Sveta: And when your program starts, have it check to see if it exists. 11:10 < TheNH813> Sveta: And even better yet, have the first instance of the process write it's own PID into the file 11:10 < bazhang> microsoft absorbing linux is not going to happen while ibm and redhat are around 11:11 < TheNH813> Sveta: So when another instance launches, it can check if that PID is still running 11:11 < probook> bazhang: we will see soon lol 11:11 < oiaohm> probook: Linux kernel already has a license. Its not a item that is sold. Re-licensing something like the Linux kernel to make it able to be sold would be a massive up hill battle heading to impossible. 11:11 < bazhang> they have special defense patents and will spend many millions to defend it 11:12 < TheNH813> Sveta: And one last safeguard: Check to make sure the PID corresponds to your program name 11:12 < oiaohm> probook: trying to get 10000+ companies to agree + all the individuals is a heck of a up hill battle. 11:12 < TheNH813> Sveta: AT least that's the way I implemented it. 11:13 < TheNH813> Sveta: If the program is question isn't one you made or can modify, write a wrapper script for it. Said script will lauch the program only if it's not running, using the methods I mentioned. 11:13 < bazhang> he might as well say that android is going to be absorbed by MS 11:14 < TheNH813> WEll, it's 4:13AM and I'm gonna go to sleep. 11:14 < TheNH813> Goodnight. 11:14 < bazhang> niters 11:15 < probook> bazhang: and how MS import linux on windows 10 with what kind of licences ? 11:15 < bazhang> probook, do you mean the wsl? 11:16 < probook> bazhang: yes linux beta on windows 10 11:16 < bazhang> that's not 'beta' probook 11:17 < paulcarroty> a tons of apps doesn't works under wsl 11:17 < probook> bazhang: whatever it's a version of linux on windows 10 11:17 < bazhang> yeppers 11:22 < Sveta> The_Schmidt: did you implement it as a bash script? 12:38 < python476> I take X selection is 3 items max right ? 12:39 < python476> if so is there a way / program that provides more 'depth' ? 12:39 < cheapie> Thanks for bailing out partway through the burn with "exceeding range of permissible write addresses", cdrskin, I really appreciate the coaster... 12:39 < python476> (kinda like kde infinite clipboard, but without the DE) 12:41 < Jenny_Tells> I have an nginx problem. I have Multible vhosts, eatch has it's own subdomain which redirects via "return 301 https://$host$request_uri"; to https. However I get redirected to the wrong vhost. There's probably something wrong with my redirect, I'm not an nginx pro, any help appreciated 12:47 < hendrix> python476: there lots of clipboard managers with similar functionality. see for example https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/clipboard 12:50 < python476> hendrix: thanks, for some reason it's that one time I didn't check AW first :) (which once again, prevails) 12:55 < HyP3r> hello I want to show a Checkbox list of all users on a system with linux terminal dialog 12:55 < HyP3r> First I do this to get attributes: normal_users=$(egrep '\:1[0-9]{3}\:' /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{print $1" \""$3"\" off"}' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') 12:55 < HyP3r> and then this: users=`dialog --checklist "Install this on User" 0 0 4 root "" on $normal_users 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3` 12:55 < HyP3r> But this is not working and I don't know why 12:57 < mawk> what happens if I make a usb device with a crappy crystal 12:58 < HyP3r> Seems like bash is escaping $normal_users variable that way: admin\ \"1001\"\ off\ ef\ \"1000\"\ off\ . How can I disble this whitespace escaping? 13:07 < autopsy> HyP3r, you might try channel #bash? 13:09 < HyP3r> autopsy: yeah sure thanks 13:51 < repys> hi 13:51 < repys> why who -b shows me date at 1970? 13:52 < Sveta> what is the exact output from it? 13:52 < Sveta> and what gnu/linux distribution is it 13:53 < mawk> does /run/utmp exist repys ? 13:53 < mawk> that file may have been damaged in one way or another, or blanked, or anything 13:53 < mawk> so there is no boot date 13:53 < repys> it shows who -b 13:53 < repys> system boot 1970-01-01 01:00 13:54 < repys> raspbian latest release 13:54 < repys> it is debian like distro 13:54 < repys> yes that file exists, what is that file? 13:58 < revel> Shows that for me as well. 13:58 < revel> Actually... I think it's related to the Pi not having a real RTC. 14:04 < sigma__> I'm using screen and somehow the pts (/dev/pts/1) has become disassociated with any screen session. 14:04 < sigma__> screen -ls shows no sessions, but using ps, I can see my process is still running on /dev/pts/1. Is there a way to gain control of it again? 14:06 < sigma__> Can I retty a screen session, for example? 14:12 < ckc> GUYS THIS IS SERIOUS 14:12 < ckc> WHAT YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT nvidia 14:12 < ckc> SHOULDN'T nvidia DIE? 14:13 < ckc> ITS WASTE COMING TO IRC 14:14 < searedvandal> ok 14:17 < oneko> What's up with nvidia ? 14:20 < revel> It's a fairly common source of issues/complaints. 14:24 < oneko> I know that much but why should random IRC folks wish for Nvidia to die ? :-P 14:25 < rumpelchen> because Reptilians 14:25 < revel> Because he's had one too many issues with it? 14:26 < oneko> But, on the other paw, we *we* have not had too many issues with it :-P 14:38 < pankaj> How to begin using libraries in c. Like if I want to use zlib in my c program for taking advantage of compression and decompression then how to begin with using that library. Their is a lot of information there in it. How to begin using it and starting from where? 14:45 < mawk> pankaj: you link your program with it, and read the documentation of the lib 14:45 < mawk> e.g. you link with -lz 14:45 < revel> The code is the documentation ;) 14:45 < mawk> there are very easy facilities compatible with the libc stdio interface 14:47 < cristian_c> hi 14:48 < cristian_c> I've built and installed easycap smi driver (kernel module) 14:48 < cristian_c> I've got driver sources from github repository (via AUR on archlinux, and via github in ubuntu) 14:48 < cristian_c> I've also loaded firmware too (in addition to driver loading) 14:49 < cristian_c> so, I've started vlc and I've connected easycap dongle to input source and to usb port 14:49 < cristian_c> if I look at dmesg output I see a large amount of messages (all them almost the same message) 14:49 < cristian_c> 'smi2021 Skip broken frame N line, but need 240 in current 480 height' 14:49 < cristian_c> vlc screen is always blank, btw 14:49 < pankaj> mawk: OK 14:50 < cristian_c> so, how could I solve this issue, in order to grab video from the device? 14:50 < cristian_c> any ideas? 14:50 < pankaj> mawk: Linking is not problem but how to get started using and understanding library from a starting point is the main concern. 14:50 < mawk> yeah there is this problem with many libs 14:50 < mawk> like libssl 14:51 < mawk> just read the header file to get an idea of the available functions and interfaces 14:51 < pankaj> mawk: I tried and it was really bad experience at starting.. 14:51 < mawk> lol 14:52 < pankaj> mawk: But I will follow your advice about documentation online. 14:52 < pankaj> mawk: lol? 14:52 < pankaj> mawk: Can you please suggest some easy libraries for c whose documentation is easy to grasp? 14:53 < mawk> I don't know if that exists 14:53 < mawk> but for the most popular ones there are begginers guides and stuff 14:53 < mawk> like libc 14:53 < pankaj> mawk: How did you get started with that when you started dealing with understanding libraries and using them. What trick do you use and process to understand libaries and use them in your programs. 14:54 < pankaj> mawk: Beginners guide for what? 14:54 < mawk> for the libc, for instance 14:54 < mawk> well I didn't use any predefined method 14:54 < revel> "The" libc? But there's more than one :< 14:54 < mawk> :( 14:54 < mawk> just reading the source code of libraries suffices I guess 14:54 < mawk> of course you won't grasp everything in the first minute 14:55 < mawk> but you can experiment, then match what you learnt with existing tutorials, etc 14:55 < pankaj> mawk: OK 15:06 < mar77i> hmm, I'm running my domain on afraid.org, and I just went to change a few settings there. it really seems awfully slow today... 15:07 < compdoc> fear does that 15:08 < mar77i> it's a pretty cool dns management service, otherwise 15:11 < mar77i> otoh, stalled requests might be hanging at resolving dns 15:13 < mar77i> ...can someone else try this url for me? https://freedns.afraid.org/ 15:14 < rcf> mar77i: it is slow, but it works 15:18 < mar77i> thank you. then it's not just me. https://i.imgur.com/6plxOV3.jpg 15:20 < solidfox> how would you debug a problem where sometimes you boot up and certain keys don't work, or don't do what you expect them to? 15:20 < solidfox> I'm just a linux user and only ever worked on applications, never operating system programs or kernel either. 15:21 < solidfox> the delete key turns my touchpad off for instance. and the up and right arrows do nothing. 15:22 < mar77i> there was this hw* tool to adjust your keyboard at a basic level, like reassigning alt, escape and such... 15:22 < mar77i> solidfox: ...the way you're describing it makes it sound like a dead fn key, though. 15:23 < solidfox> mar77i, this only happens every once in a while. and the only solution is to reboot once or twice. 15:23 < solidfox> (the only solution I've found) 15:25 < mar77i> solidfox: I can turn one of my laptops off with fn+delete. there might be a firmware setting to adjust your fn key. you might be at the mercy of your laptop's firmware. one solution might be using a different keyboard or even replacing the one that's already there. 15:26 < solidfox> mar77i, you're saying this is using some special software to run my keyboard? 15:27 < solidfox> acer_wmi 15:27 < solidfox> maybe? 15:28 < solidfox> its sort of like this title: https://askubuntu.com/questions/576320/down-arrow-and-delete-are-suddenly-mapped-to-toggle-enable-disable-touchpad 15:30 < kazdax> is this shut down for linux 15:30 < kazdax> Jun 16 11:04:14 localhost systemd: Started Logout off all iSCSI sessions on shutdown. 15:30 < kazdax> its in my var/logs folder 15:31 < kazdax> i just want to know what shuts down my system without me having to shut it down 15:31 < kazdax> the other one is 15:31 < kazdax> Jun 17 09:21:16 localhost systemd: Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... 15:31 < kazdax> Jun 17 09:21:16 localhost systemd: Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. 15:33 < mar77i> solidfox: I suggested your keyboard and its fn key are handled by your laptop's bios firmware, and that there's only this much your operating system can help you with. 15:34 < solidfox> mar77i, how can you be sure though? I mean it affects my arrow keys and delete keys as well. 15:34 < solidfox> mar77i, it just seems like you're taking a wild guess 15:35 < jim> kazdax, to me, it looks like the machine and linux os installed on it is still running 15:35 < FreeFull> On my laptop, the fn key is handled in hardware, the OS never sees it directly 15:35 < FreeFull> I'm pretty sure that's the most common way it works 15:37 < solidfox> FreeFull, the OS sees a more abstract signal right? like "we're toggling the trackpad (A box appears saying I disabled it in linux)" or "we're adjusting the volume" 15:38 < solidfox> I guess it is probably more likely that the signals are just wrong, so I guess it probably is the firmware then 15:38 < mawk> try it and see 15:38 < FreeFull> solidfox: Let's say I press fn+F9 on my laptop 15:38 < kazdax> how do i check when the shutdown happens ? 15:38 < mawk> when the light on the computer is turned off 15:39 < kazdax> no but it shutdowns on its own if i leave it on for a while 15:39 < FreeFull> I'm not sure what the drivers see, but it comes through to X as the XF86TouchpadToggle key 15:39 < kazdax> i hope its not some setting that says shutdown if after this many hours its inactive 15:39 < kazdax> i am using rhel 15:40 < solidfox> FreeFull, is firmware the same as a driver? 15:42 < FreeFull> solidfox: Drivers run as part of the kernel on the CPU, firmware runs on the various chips that make up the hardware 15:43 < jim> taken together, you could say they both constitute the driver 15:43 < solidfox> FreeFull, jim what does it means to emerge linux-firmware on gentoo then? 15:45 < jim> sometimmes chipset manufacturers won't release source code for them (unfortuate, greedy towards their income, and true) 15:45 < jim> sometimes it means they copy a binary blob somewhere 15:45 < FreeFull> The relevant driver uploads the firmware to the hardware when it's loaded 15:46 < solidfox> oh ok 16:12 < BluesKaj> Howdy folks 16:18 < icedtea> argggg, this is getting annoying, how do you blacklist a module on a recent kernel distro? I tried passing rd.driver.blacklist=mpt2sas to the kernel in grub.cfg and blacklisted the module in /etc/modprobe.d, and ran dracut -o mpt2sas afterswards and specified the initramfs 16:25 < GNU\colossus> icedtea, adding "modprobe.blacklist=mpt2sas" to your kernel cmdline should work 16:28 < christian> hey guys. does anyone of you work with qutebrowser and knows how to hide the history bar (under the bookmarks) if you type in something like "open"? 16:29 < rypervenche> christian: You should ask in #qutebrowser 16:30 < christian> rypervenche: alright, thank you! 16:45 < louisdk> A friend of mine is trying to mount some drives formatted as btfs in Debian on a bios based system but it fails to mount using mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/test. Output from cfdisk: https://i.imgur.com/4wY3ZHN.png 16:46 < hatp> Hello. I use this script (https://paste.linux.community/view/d295bf55) to create a new control group to create applictions with bypass my VPN. Unfortunately, these applications run as root for some reason. Does anyone know why? 16:55 < sleepyhead> hatp: https://www.antonlindstrom.com/2015/11/22/limit-processes-with-cgexec.html 17:03 < hatp> sleepyhead: I tried adding this line `sudo cgcreate -t hatp:hatp -a hatp:hatp net_cls:novpn' but it didn't work out 17:04 < icedtea> GNU\colossus, no luck thanks though. I'm just going to remove the module from the kernel modules tree 17:08 < jim> icedtea, be sure to run depmod -a after you remove the module 17:09 < alioui_> hi all, what mean when nmin in top command is quit high ?? 17:10 < jim> a nuculear accident is coming? 17:10 < jim> kidding 17:10 < DildoSwaggins> alioui_, that's it's mostly likley actively running and using a "quite high" amount of system resources 17:14 < icedtea> jim: I didn't good thing it still booted ok, lol, I'm working remotely 17:14 < icedtea> nonetheless the kernel finally booted without the module 17:15 < EugenA> if I run wmctrl -l I get the list of open windows 17:15 < jim> yeah, you'll probably want to run the depmod someday... it's apparantly not critical :) 17:15 < EugenA> this command should be run as root 17:16 < triceratux> icedtea: ive never gotten all the way thru a kernel module blacklisting process myself. i always wind up locating them & physically moving them to somewhere they wont load 17:16 < EugenA> but there are no windows from root user 17:16 < EugenA> how can I get the list of ALL users? 17:16 < EugenA> list of windows of ALL users 17:16 < zapotah> jim: well, its just a sas controller driver :P 17:16 < zapotah> so nothing should depend on it 17:17 * zapotah runs tons of of broadcom hbas 17:17 < jim> zapotah, so the depmod wouldn't change anything then? 17:18 < zapotah> shouldnt 17:18 < icedtea> it's actually just for a SAS tape drive. I believe the mpt2sas is causing a kernel panic 17:19 < zapotah> icedtea: thats the driver for the hba 17:19 < zapotah> icedtea: if you blacklist the driver, you damn sure wont see anything connected to it 17:20 < zapotah> the driver is _extremely_ stable too 17:20 < zapotah> so if theres a panic its most likely hardware related 17:20 < zapotah> unless this system is super ancient 17:21 < icedtea> zapotah: I see lots of kernel panics related to the driver on google. It only panics on the kernel 17:21 < zapotah> wtf 17:21 < zapotah> thats no linux kernel i ever heard of 17:22 < icedtea> zepotah: sorry I thought I was in the #centos channel. It for 3.10-0-862.3.3 centos kernel package 17:22 < zapotah> so latest 17:22 < zapotah> iirc 17:22 < zapotah> rollback the kernel 17:22 < icedtea> yeah, it's for an older hba. It 17:23 < icedtea> I'm think it's either the HBA or the really old PERC5/e in it 17:23 < zapotah> perc doesnt use mpt2sas driver 17:23 < zapotah> iirc 17:25 < icedtea> yeah it uses megaraid_sas 17:26 < zapotah> dmesg should tell you what causes the crash 17:26 < zapotah> or console 17:27 < zapotah> lol, two balls on the field :D 17:27 < zapotah> oops 17:29 < icedtea> zapotah: I looked at the kernel dump with crash, and it in keeps dying in intel_idle kernel command. 17:30 < icedtea> but mpt2sas had a problem before that caused this so maybe redhat reverted something 17:31 < ttwhy> Hi, how do i pass more than one argument to a question / answer program? (example: echo y | apt-get install fu ... in my case its yaourt and it asks to select a package and select a configuration ... so its not just one echo command) 17:31 < zapotah> sounds like something that needs the new in-kernel debugging stuff 17:34 < jim> you mean linus relented and let a debugger in? 17:38 < Sitri> "No kernel debugger was included in the mainline Linux tree prior to version 2.6.26-rc1" 17:38 < Sitri> Several years ago 17:41 < Sitri> https://lwn.net/2000/0914/a/lt-debugger.php3 <-- Linus' stance on debugging the kernel for record 17:44 < DildoSwaggins> "None of the arguments for a kernel debugger has touched me in the least." #meNeither 17:46 < handturkey> hi, where do fonts go in arch, and can I use them immeditely? and does someone know a good font pack I can get? 17:47 < Sitri> Fonts for X11 you mean? 17:48 < DildoSwaggins> well, I don't where they are installed to in ArchLinux, but I do know that there's no cooldown on them 17:48 < DildoSwaggins> so yes, you can use them immediately after they're installed (and have enough mana) 17:50 < Sitri> pacman -Ql $(pacman -Qs xorg-fonts | grep -o 'xorg-fonts[^ ]*') # will show you where they are (you usually don't need to ever know this) 17:50 < searedvandal> take a look in /usr/share/fonts , you'll probably find some there 17:53 < DildoSwaggins> take a look in /usr/share/fonts , you'll probably find some there 17:53 < DildoSwaggins> even if you don't find the one you want, that's also most likely where they're installed to? 17:53 < searedvandal> at least that's where they are in my arch system and what the arch wiki says 17:53 < searedvandal> consolefonts on the other hand is /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts 18:15 < Zaplo> hi. i have asus router (mips) which has ssh support so i can edit configs. it seems that /etc is mounted as tmpfs, does this mean modifications are lost on every reboot, or do they get saved? 18:15 < Zaplo> it's DSL-N16 router which runs linux 2.6.x 18:16 < DildoSwaggins> yes 18:16 < Psi-Jack> Linux 2.6.x? Wow.. Ancient. 18:16 < DildoSwaggins> that's exactly what it means, and it's not necessarily a bad thing 18:16 < Zaplo> Linux DSL-N16 2.6.36 #1 SMP Sat Oct 28 01:10:30 CST 2017 mips unknown 18:16 < Psi-Jack> Zaplo: I bet that's vulnerable to VPNFilter. 18:16 < DildoSwaggins> it prevents hackers from permanently backdooring your router, if it's ever hacked 18:17 < DildoSwaggins> a simple reboot undoes the damage 18:17 < Zaplo> yes that's certainly good thing. 18:17 < Psi-Jack> In many cases, yes.. Lately exploits have been doing further to permanently change things until you flash new firmware. 18:18 < Drakonan> All right yall i got a cool question... is there a software out there now that can compare all the files on your computer with internet available files for possible deletion (because if its available on the internet you may not want to keep it on your pc) and yes i want to reserve all rights if such a program doesnt exist yet because thats awesome and i may want to write it 18:19 < DildoSwaggins> it's called OneDrive 18:19 < Psi-Jack> Ewwww. Microsoft.. 18:19 < Psi-Jack> Get a rope! 18:19 < Drakonan> how does onedrive do that? 18:19 < DildoSwaggins> DropBox, Google Drive, pick your poison 18:19 < Psi-Jack> Ewww, third party "cloud storage" providers. :) 18:20 < Drakonan> you'd have to move everything to the cloud? not what im wanting to do, im wanting to delete local where its available in the cloud not download it all to the cloud 18:20 < DildoSwaggins> Drakonan, OneDrive lets you do that by being able to mark certain files as "always available" or to download them on-the-fly when needed 18:21 < Drakonan> basically im trying to find some places where i can delete files but i dont want to delete something for nostalgic purposes or because its important to me but if its a publvically available file i prob dont need it to take up space locally on my hd 18:21 < DildoSwaggins> Psi-Jack, i know, i hate 3rd party software as-well, but from what he just said, it sounds like he's looking to re-invent the wheel, so I had to bring it up 18:21 < DildoSwaggins> "if such a program doesnt exist yet because thats awesome and i may want to write it" 18:22 < Psi-Jack> DildoSwaggins: I don't hate third-party software, I actually use third party software. 18:22 < Drakonan> so basically i have a hd full of probably 20 copies of user profiles i've had over the years and miscelaneous downloads instead of having to go through all of them to recover some space and instead of just deleting them and potentially losing a resume or something that i only have that one copy of a software sohuld automatically bring to the surface all these files that i probably need local without deleting potentially important ones 18:23 < DildoSwaggins> unfortunately, it's an unnecessary evil if you want to cooperate w/ "normal" people in the enterprise world 18:23 < Drakonan> dont need local* 18:23 < Drakonan> yeah its moving to the cloud all of it eventually even corporate 18:24 < Drakonan> its just cheaper (cost wise) in terms of the underlying technology NOT in terms how much it costs to buy it retail 18:24 < DildoSwaggins> we've come to the point where electricity is more expensive than GB's 18:24 < Drakonan> yep there's a good google talk on that very same subject actually have you seen it? 18:24 < DildoSwaggins> and moving to the cloud offsets the liability of uptime 18:24 < Psi-Jack> heh 18:25 < DildoSwaggins> or availability, rather 18:26 < Drakonan> basically electricity cost will ultimately dicate that everything goes to the cloud eventually 18:27 < DildoSwaggins> yes 18:27 < morf> well not just electricity but most of those things they do simply are cheaper when you do them en masse 18:27 < DildoSwaggins> electricity was the reason we had to split the processor up into multiple cores, instead of having 1 super-powerful one 18:28 < Psi-Jack> Eh? No it's not. 18:28 < DildoSwaggins> power-efficiency 18:28 < DildoSwaggins> as processor speed increases, the demand for power does aswell 18:29 < DildoSwaggins> and at a certain point, the trade-off stops becoming beneficial 18:29 < Drakonan> lets see that has to be out there somewhere or some semblance... so i need to hash all my stuff, and then query some giant hash db(s) 18:33 < dogbert2> just found this at Frys for $98 (great for a linux box): https://www.frys.com/product/9028547?nearbyStoreName=false&site=sunemail061718 18:35 < DildoSwaggins> dogbert2, https://www.frys.com/product/9028547?nearbyStoreName=false&site=sunemail061718 18:36 < DildoSwaggins> oops, wrong paste 18:36 < DildoSwaggins> https://www.amazon.com/ThinkCentre-M58-Performance-Professional-Refurbished/dp/B01MF56QOJ/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_147_lp_t_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=V5RH6TEWDEXYT6KC3FAZ 18:36 < hexnewbie> DildoSwaggins: I suspect you mean heat dissipation, but I'm not sure that would be right either. Any citation? 18:38 < DildoSwaggins> hexnewbie, i could look them up if you're actually interested, but it's something I learned while doing my masters in information systems 3 years ago 18:38 < DildoSwaggins> https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-32129-0_3 18:38 < dogbert2> LOL...well, I can pick up the link I posted today :) 18:38 < kamura> join #python 18:39 < hexnewbie> DildoSwaggins: Ah. Cause I don't remember hearing any official reason. Thanks for the link. 18:44 < Drakonan> dogbert2, 18:44 < Drakonan> i can give you a better deal than that 18:44 < dogbert2> LOL... 18:44 < DildoSwaggins> yes... get one on eBay, without the HDD, and put in a solid-state drive yourself 18:45 < DildoSwaggins> you could get a quad-core for the same price, really 18:45 < Drakonan> seriously... i have a quad core i7-920 with 6gb ram im wanting to get rid of 18:45 < DildoSwaggins> $97 ($200 shipping fee) 18:45 < kamura> lads I don't know what I'd do with out linux 18:46 < Drakonan> i got loads of hd's and even a good graphics card 18:46 < dogbert2> LOL 18:46 < kamura> see when you string together some slightly advanced commands with out looking up the man pages and it all works first time 18:46 < kamura> I genuinly feel sick with joy 18:47 < DildoSwaggins> that is a great feeling indeed 18:47 < hexnewbie> If you're a KDE user, don't forget to add the extra core for Plasma, and get a quincore CPU. 18:47 < DildoSwaggins> like when I get awk and sed to work properly the first time 18:48 < DildoSwaggins> kamura, https://xkcd.com/1168/ 18:48 < Drakonan> yeah so twice the processors, 2gb's more ram, prob 3x the hd size... for the same price 18:48 < Drakonan> cores* 18:50 < hexnewbie> Speaking of my latest attempts to copy an ISO using Plasma 5, I'm wondering if Plasma shouldn't be renamed to PIO - returning to programmed input/output as the CPU is now kept busy when doing I/O. 18:52 < DildoSwaggins> hexnewbie, https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/299691/do-multi-core-processors-reduce-power-consumption/299756#299756 18:52 < hexnewbie> DildoSwaggins: Thanks 18:52 < DildoSwaggins> np 18:55 < louisdk> I have a gpt butterfs partiton which is oversized "GPT PMBR size mismatch (3907029167 != 3905945599) will be corrected by w(rite)." How to fix this? 18:55 < DildoSwaggins> what happens when you just press "enter"? 18:56 < DildoSwaggins> when it says "[...] will be corrected by w(rite)," it seem's like it's going to fix it for you 18:56 < louisdk> DildoSwaggins: This is from fdisk -l output. How to do a rewrite without data loss? 18:57 < hexnewbie> louisdk: It says that this will be corrected when you write the partition table with w 18:58 < hexnewbie> louisdk: I suspect the protective MBR is smaller than the disk (i.e. space covered by the GPT partition table), so some DOS/MBR tool could accidentally create a partition in a place overlapping with one of your GPT partitions. 18:59 < louisdk> hexnewbie: Problem: partition 1 is too big for the disk. 18:59 < louisdk> Aborting write operation! 18:59 < louisdk> Aborting write of new partition table. 18:59 < louisdk> <- output trying ''w" in gdisk 19:00 < hexnewbie> louisdk: OK, so you *do* have an oversized partition, and the protective MBR is the one that's correct 19:01 < hexnewbie> louisdk: How did you achieve this? Is the filesystem on the disk also oversized (which in this case would mean truncated)? 19:03 < louisdk> hexnewbie: I tried creating at bufferfs partiton with openmediavault 19:04 < louisdk> hexnewbie: I'm searching for a way to mount and recover data. I tried resize partition ti 1,7TB w/o help. Still will mount 19:05 < hexnewbie> Does that mean Btrfs? (Why Btrfs?) Did you do anything unusual, like create a RAID over the disk, thus decreasing its size, or moving the data from a larger disk to a smaller disk? 19:06 < hexnewbie> louisdk: It *does* mount? Can you read the files? 19:07 < NetTerminalGene> do spectre vulnerabilities only affected if you use virtual machines? 19:07 < hexnewbie> Without something crazy, this failure mode is downright shocking, because btrfs does tend to break but that's not a Btrfs problem at all. And the Btrfs inside might be alright (is it?) 19:07 < NetTerminalGene> effected* 19:08 < hexnewbie> I'm more likely to believe that guy who once told me that his CD-ROM successfully wrote a file to a CD-ROM disk by using Windows Explorer than that a partition manager shipped with a popular OS would create a partition larger than the disk (whilst creating a correct protective MBR) 19:08 < littlebean> How can I best find a distrobution that is of the filter of being open source, secure, but also somewhat easy, not deep end level 19:09 < louisdk> hexnewbie: https://pastebin.com/zWbwa66r 19:10 < triceratux> littlebean: https://distrowatch.com/search.php 19:10 < hexnewbie> louisdk: OK. So, the kernel didn't detect the partition? Was there a partition? What's the kernel error message in dmesg? 19:11 < louisdk> https://pastebin.com/mFaZWVA5 19:11 < louisdk> dmesg | grep /dev/sdb doesn't give any output 19:12 < hexnewbie> louisdk: /dev/ certainly wouldn't be a string present in a kernel message 19:12 < hexnewbie> louisdk: WHat does gdisk -l say? 19:14 < louisdk> hexnewbie: https://pastebin.com/utb2NKqW 19:15 < hexnewbie> louisdk: Please, either -l or run p inside gdisk, so we can see what's on the disk 19:17 < louisdk> "gdisk -l" didn't work. p inside gdisk: https://pastebin.com/3mrZ5Bja 19:18 < littlebean> triceratux: for it's architecture filter, is that hardware specific? Could you or anyone else help me understand what that option is? 19:18 < jim> louisdk, which disk are we talking about? 19:19 < jim> sda? sdb? 19:19 < louisdk> sdb 19:20 < hexnewbie> louisdk: I suspect it's safe to write it now. I cannot guarantee you it is, but the partition occupies the whole disk (which seems alright), and it will only overwrite the partition table (which is already corrupt) 19:21 < hexnewbie> louisdk: If this is simple GPT corruption like several bits overwritten with 1s, it will be OK. However, if there is more to the story, please share it before proceeding. 19:21 < louisdk> hexnewbie: https://pastebin.com/QRP99sxf 19:21 < jim> louisdk, ok, could you run this: gdisk -l /dev/sdb 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 19:22 < louisdk> jim: http://termbin.com/7wmi 19:22 < hexnewbie> This totally contradicts the part that says ‘First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 3907029134’ and then the later part that says the partition ends at 3907029134. 19:24 < jim> hmm... it looks like your GPT partition table on /dev/sdb is damaged in some way 19:26 < jim> louisdk, take a look... gdisk -l /dev/sdb 19:27 < jim> does the drive have stuff on it you want to save? 19:28 < louisdk> jim, yes I'd like to save it's data. 19:31 < jim> louisdk, it seems like you might have used dd to copy the drive? 19:31 < louisdk> jim: I'm playing with testdisk 19:32 < hexnewbie> louisdk: mount -o offset=1024KiB,ro -t btrfs /dev/sdb /mnt/test 19:32 < mavorsa> pidgin is such a powerhouse... or maybe its just been way too many years since ive gotten to have just about all my chat protocols all in one place... 19:32 < jim> (the dir /mnt/test must exist as a dir) 19:33 < louisdk> hexnewbie: it mounts!!!!!!! 19:34 < louisdk> hexnewbie: Is the offset similar for my other disks? 19:34 < mawk> !!!!!!!!! 19:34 < hexnewbie> louisdk: Wait, you have that problem for more than one disk? 19:36 < hexnewbie> louisdk: And the offset simply ignored the borked partition table, and directly mounted the offset visible in the paste you provided. Now, copy the data to a correct disk, and stay away from Btrfs and whatever caused your drive to shrink :) 19:36 < louisdk> hexnewbie: Yes. They were created with openmediavault and bufferfs. will not use that fs another time 19:36 < louisdk> hexnewbie: leason learned. Thanks so much. 19:37 < jim> louisdk, do you have a good working disk with some space? 19:37 < louisdk> jim. Yes. Will backup now, write new partition table and ext4 partition before using disk again. 19:38 < jim> louisdk, maybe you should use a file copyer rather than dd 19:38 < jim> also, do you want to try LVM? 19:40 < louisdk> for i in sd{b..d}; do mount -o offset=1024KiB,ro -t btrfs /dev/"$i" /mnt/"$i";done 19:42 < louisdk> jim, hexnewbie: Thanks. I've now saved my friends data. will make a file share and backup data. 19:43 < jim> louisdk, you may want to use something else besides btrfs, I've not heard reports of stability yet 19:44 < jim> gone... 19:44 < hexnewbie> jim: I already urged him not to use btrfs, but the problem had nothing to do with it, somehow. 19:45 < pikaro> how do I access the pulseaudio equalizer without a DE? pulseaudio-equalizer-gtk doesn't exist any more according to apt-file. qpaeq does, but it doesn't have presets. (alternatively, how do I get presets for qpaeq?) 19:45 < sauvin> I command both of you for discouraging btrfs for nonexperimental use. 19:45 < sauvin> s/command/commend/; 19:48 < jim> hexnewbie, yeah, lvm has been rock solid for at least a decade and a half 19:48 < sleepyhead> i had a positive experience with btrfs the last time i used it. it does data checksums so it identified a faulty SSD and mounted the fs read only. this way i avoided data loss. 19:48 < hehehe> folks what is main diff between luks and vera? 19:48 < hehehe> I am currently using vera yet soo many people are into LUKs 19:49 < jim> sleepyhead, that would be the first positive thing I've heard about btrfs 19:50 < sleepyhead> jim: yeah but i didn't use it when i resintalled because it was causing high CPU usage when i had it on before. maybe that was because of the failing ssd or maybe it was because of btrfs idk 19:50 < sleepyhead> *high cpu at times not all the time 19:50 < hexnewbie> hehehe: That they have little common, outside of the purpose? I guess mainly the TrueCrypt license which has been always problematic. 19:51 < dgurney> I use btrfs (with zstd compression) on my laptop's /, no issues to report 19:51 < hehehe> who cares about license if it works? 19:51 < hehehe> my purpose is to have encrypted vol 19:51 < dgurney> I also use it for my server's project drive (with git repos), no problems there either 19:51 < hehehe> I dont understand why people use luks which is very comples 19:52 < hehehe> instead of simple veracrypt 19:52 < Psi-Jack> ... 19:52 < dgurney> luks is complex? til 19:52 < hexnewbie> LUKS is complex? 19:52 < Psi-Jack> dgurney: You learned FUD, if you learned anything. 19:52 < pikaro> also "who cares about license"? 19:52 < hehehe> well hmm it seems to have many components 19:52 < dgurney> we all love FUD, don't we 19:52 < phinxy> Is there a way for a shellscript to know if its called from within a $()? 19:52 < hehehe> instead of just encrypting 19:52 < Psi-Jack> phinxy: No. 19:52 < hehehe> yes why care about license? 19:53 < hehehe> it does not affect functionality 19:53 < Psi-Jack> phinxy: Just asking that question means your doing it wrong or thinking wrong. :) 19:53 < sauvin> dgurney, what I've heard is that when btrfs works, it works reasonably well. When it breaks, and it sometimes does, there's no recovery. 19:53 < dgurney> sauvin, can confirm the former, but not the latter 19:54 < Psi-Jack> Heh, with btrfs you need VERY good backups 19:54 < dgurney> oh well, regardless of FS you should always have backups anyway 19:54 < darkmeson> jim: btrfs has many positive benefits, it's just that it's propensity for self-corruption still makes it pretty risky unless one has some other snapshotting mechanism underneath to make sure rolling back beyond the damage is possible 19:54 < hehehe> These include plain dm-crypt volumes, LUKS volumes, loop-AES 19:54 < hehehe> and TrueCrypt (including VeraCrypt extension) format. 19:54 < sauvin> dgurney, you're praying. 19:54 < hehehe> why vera not enough? 19:54 < Psi-Jack> hehehe: You can't boot it. 19:54 < hehehe> yes I can't and why would I want to boot it? 19:54 < hehehe> if I can mount it 19:55 < Psi-Jack> This is FDE. Do you understand the concept of FDE? 19:55 < hehehe> linux kernel exploit protection? 19:55 < hehehe> FDE hmmm 19:55 < Psi-Jack> Full Disk Encryption 19:56 < hehehe> reading 19:56 < darkmeson> coincidentally, anything that can make use of btrfs' compression and can be left read-only most of the time is pretty safe 19:56 < jim> darkmeson, yeah, sounds like it's still unstable 19:56 < darkmeson> it's that mostly that pesky disk barrier assumption that all COW filesystems bank on that gets it into trouble afaict, and that only applies to writes 19:57 < phinxy> When defining variables they are available inside $(), Is there a special kind of variable thats only in the outer most scope it was defined in? 19:57 < hehehe> FDE encrypts entire linux OS 19:58 < sauvin> darkmeson, once in a blue moon I'll have an ext3 or ext4 partition go boink. An fsck has always brought all my stuff back. Can btrfs do that? 19:58 < jim> phinxy, you mean shell variables? 19:58 < darkmeson> jim: sauvin was actually dead-on. it's not the fs that's the problem, but the pathetic state of the recovery code 19:58 < hehehe> why would you neeed to encrypt OS instead of user files only? 19:58 < hehehe> as it slows down the system 19:59 < darkmeson> sauvin: no, btrfsck makes only makes it WORSE 90%+ of the time 19:59 < jim> hehehe, in case you don't want someone to know what you run? 19:59 < hehehe> jim: someone who? 19:59 < hexnewbie> hehehe: It does not slow the whole system down, as OS files are cached. Whatever slows the system down usually needs to be encrypted. 19:59 < sleepyhead> hehehe: the idea is that someone can run a script at bootup and grab your data that way. also /tmp is not in /home 20:00 < sauvin> I run Hanna Montana Linux, with all the latest porn repos! 20:00 < darkmeson> When you check the usage screen for it, it even says "WARNING: the repair mode is considered dangerous" 20:00 < hehehe> run script on boot up how 20:00 < hehehe> how will they do it? 20:00 < sleepyhead> hehehe: /etc/rc.local is writable coz / is not encrypted 20:00 < dgurney> systemd unit or init script? 20:00 < dgurney> it's not rocket science 20:00 < hehehe> sleepyhead: so someone physically hacks laptop? 20:00 < jim> hehehe, that's outside the scope of the technical issues, and is squarely inside intent :) 20:01 < hehehe> thinks 20:01 < sleepyhead> hehehe: yes that's why people encrypt their partitions. to slowdown attackers with physical access 20:01 < hehehe> sleepyhead: they cant decrypt vera vol 20:01 < jim> if someone gets your encrypted laptop, they have one choice to use it: format it 20:01 < hehehe> unless yes they install keylogger 20:02 < darkmeson> hehehe: you encrypt the whole OS for security, and also because the files-only solutions like encfs have security problems that are hard to triage 20:02 < hehehe> if someone installs keylogger they can do it at bios level 20:02 < hehehe> and capture LUKS keys that way 20:03 < darkmeson> https://defuse.ca/audits/encfs.htm 20:03 < sleepyhead> hehehe: like i said slowdown potential attackers with physical access 20:03 < sleepyhead> slowdown not stop entirely 20:03 < hehehe> sleepyhead: slowdown is useless 20:03 < sleepyhead> hehehe: then don't bother encrypting 20:03 < sleepyhead> because that's all it does 20:03 < hehehe> sleepyhead: I am practial man 20:04 < hehehe> i do things 100% 20:04 * darkmeson hands hehehe a rubber ducky 20:04 < hehehe> not just slowdown :D 20:04 < Psi-Jack> hehehe: No, you don't. :p 20:04 < Psi-Jack> You do things more like 25% from all of the history of your communications here. :p 20:04 < Psi-Jack> BIOS level keylogger? Get real. 20:04 < hehehe> This audit finds that EncFS is not up to speed with modern 20:04 < hehehe> cryptography practices. Several previously known vulnerabilities have 20:04 < hehehe> been reported [1, 2], which have not been completely fixed. New issues 20:04 < hehehe> were also discovered during the audit. 20:04 < sleepyhead> well there is one other benefit. it makes it easy to wipe the disk since you just need to delete the LUKs master key. 20:05 < hehehe> did not Vera crypt fixed them in latest release? 20:05 < sauvin> hehehe, what's your threat model? 20:05 < hehehe> someone stealing laptop 20:06 < hehehe> in which case vera crypt seems to be fine 20:06 < sauvin> Then you don't need the greatest security. What you need is to discourage Joe Sixpack. 20:06 * lnnb steals hehehe's laptop and rearranges the keys 20:06 < hehehe> if someone aims to have regular access to get data they will infect bios 20:06 < hehehe> and so LUKs is useless 20:06 < hehehe> and it is slower than veracrypt 20:06 < hexnewbie> It's 2018. Every sane criminal would invest in a UEFI keylogger, and not waste money on BIOS. 20:06 < sleepyhead> is it? 20:07 < dgurney> I encrypt /home on my laptop with luks, nice and simple 20:07 < hehehe> I do same with vera 20:07 < hehehe> nice and simple 20:07 < hehehe> hexnewbie: hmm 20:07 < compdoc> I like veracrypt too 20:08 < Dagmar> Stop watching CSI for your cyber-security knowledge 20:08 < Psi-Jack> LOL 20:08 < Dagmar> It's doing you no favors 20:08 < Psi-Jack> Dagmar++ 20:08 < compdoc> but the babes on CSI are hot! 20:09 < hehehe> https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/181850/do-pre-boot-software-keyloggers-exist 20:09 < Dagmar> _Clearly_ you have internet access. 20:09 < Dagmar> You don't need to watch CSI to see women 20:09 < hexnewbie> Yeah, there's CSI: Cyber if you want to get real cyber-security knowledge. ;p 20:09 < solidfox> Dagmar, I look at women with libcaca 20:09 < hehehe> the UEFI modules can be loaded in some systems regardless of what you boot. (and it could be signed to work even if it does require it) – LvB Mar 20 at 10:40 20:10 < Dagmar> https://so.why.should.i.care.about.some.link/with-a-bullcrap-not-actually-related-keyword-in-the-title 20:10 < hehehe> any such methods render LUKS useless too 20:10 < hehehe> and vera crypt is more elegant 20:10 < hehehe> it just makes sense since it encrypts only whats needed - user files 20:10 < solidfox> will a criminal be able to get my files if they steal my laptop Dagmar 20:11 < solidfox> Dagmar, I used luks on kubuntu 20:11 < sauvin> Dagmar, what's worse, some of these folk seem to get their cybersecurity knowledge from reruns of the TV series "Get Smart". 20:11 < Dagmar> solidfox: That depends heavily on whether or not you forgot to remove the stickynote with your login password from the screen 20:11 < solidfox> Dagmar, nah its in my wallet 20:11 < hehehe> sauvin: how does LUKS helps with bios infection - it does not 20:11 < hehehe> so what are the real LUKS advantages over Vera? 20:12 < Dagmar> Well, it's used by people who aren't idiots 20:12 < solidfox> I need to get a new ssd for encrypted backups in case someone breaks in, then they can't get my backups 20:12 * triceratux relies exclusively on boris & natasha for cybersec 20:12 < hexnewbie> If we're in the TV universe, I guess all encryption is doomed, because the malicious party would simply get your passphrase from the acoustic imprint of you typing it in the dirt of your desk. 20:12 < hehehe> hexnewbie: no 20:12 < hehehe> use white noise generator 20:12 < sauvin> I don't bother with either. I hide all my pics of the babes with the bewbies in an encfs-protected directory. 20:13 < Dagmar> solidfox: Just using LUKS with a sensible password and encrypting the whole disk is going to readily keep out anyone but a handful of very determined experts 20:13 < sauvin> My threat model is more immediate than yours, too. It's called "girlfriend". 20:13 < hehehe> encfs? :) 20:13 < hehehe> Dagmar: and make OS slower when vera does the same job 20:13 < Dagmar> Please quantify specifically, how much slower 20:13 < sauvin> Yup. Encfs. It doesn't *have* to be the strongest thing out there because I'm not hiding anything from any alphabet soup agency. 20:13 < hehehe> and vera allows for 100% impossible to prove hidden vol 20:14 < hexnewbie> Encrypting just $HOME, accomplishes little if your swap and /tmp aren't encrypted. (Although it's probably fine if you don't have swap, use tmpfs for /tmp, and don't use KDE which stores stuff in /var/tmp cuz) 20:14 < Kalium> plus if your threat model includes someone trying to break your luks encryption you probably have bigger problems 20:14 < hehehe> in case of you having to reveal passwd 20:14 < hehehe> alphabet soup lol 20:15 < Pentode> mmm soup 20:15 < hehehe> Kalium: idea is if LUKS have 0 extra security features over vera why use it 20:15 < autopsy> Soup is soup. 20:15 < hehehe> clearly decrypting entire OS is slower 20:15 < hehehe> than decrypting a file system in a normal OS 20:15 < Dagmar> ...and yet, you've still no idea why someone might encrypt their entire disk 20:16 < Kalium> ^ 20:16 < solidfox> hehehe, idk if it's slower. maybe it is but not by much 20:16 < autopsy> It's slower? 20:16 < solidfox> hehehe, as soon as I decrypt I'm at the login screen 500ms later 20:16 < Kalium> yeah, luks doesn't even slow down by that much 20:16 < Kalium> certainly not on a modern computer 20:16 < dgurney> ^ 20:17 < hehehe> solidfox: ok say it is not too slow - what is the advantage of encrypting entire OS 20:17 < Dagmar> Disks are slow enough the delay for decryption is basically eaten by head seek times 20:17 < hexnewbie> hehehe: Using null encryption is also way way faster 20:17 < Dagmar> ...at least, in comparison to the CPU 20:17 < hehehe> mine is modern 2 GB ram netbook 20:17 < Kalium> an attacker could put something into your OS to attack everything else, for one thing 20:17 < solidfox> hehehe, because otherwise /etc/shadow is visible 20:17 < Dagmar> Kalium: But it's okay. He only needs protection from imaginary threats 20:17 < hehehe> solidfox: so what can they see in there? 20:17 < hehehe> in shadow? 20:18 < Dagmar> YOUR PASSWORD 20:18 < Kalium> shadow contains your password hashes 20:18 < solidfox> hehehe, shadowz 20:18 < Kalium> so it's, uh, bad if someone gets in 20:18 < hehehe> password hashes such as which passws? 20:18 < solidfox> hehehe, everytime i type your nick it looks like I'm giggling 20:19 < Psi-Jack> Hmm /etc/shadow contains pretty much none of my password hashes. :p 20:19 < Dagmar> More importantly, if you're not encrypting the entire disk, it becomes kidna easy for them to replace a lib or two so that when you enter the password to unlock /home, it gets emailed to them 20:19 < Kalium> encrypting user files is a thing you may want to do if those don't also decrypt at startup, but it's still Less Secure 20:19 < pi0> how do people test their vpn providers for security? 20:19 < pi0> or is that even possible? 20:19 < Psi-Jack> pi0: By running your own. 20:19 < hehehe> Dagmar: that is a valid point 20:19 < Psi-Jack> Instead of a useless 3rd party . 20:19 < Kalium> if you want to stop someone who steals your laptop from stealing n00dz before they wipe it and pawn it to someone then sure 20:20 < Sitri> pi0: Or you get an external agency to do a security audit 20:20 < Dagmar> Oh they'll check for n00ds nowadays 20:20 < Sitri> Some of them might have already had that done. 20:20 < Kalium> ask facebook, they'll tell you how to mitm yourself! 20:20 < Kalium> but yeah, there's some good reviews, I'll see if I can find it, and you can run it yourself on a VPS or, better yet, personal server 20:20 < pi0> i am new to vpn and security 20:21 < Dagmar> It also helps if you know exactly how a network connection should wor 20:21 < pi0> i noticed a couple of freebie linux friendly vpn providers 20:21 < Dagmar> k 20:21 < Psi-Jack> pi0: Well, consider this. VPN is for bridging two networks. That's it. 20:21 < Dagmar> No VPN service is going to help you if, for example, you're still using your local ISP for name resolution 20:21 < Dagmar> ...and yes, people do that. 20:21 < pi0> gotcha, i noticed when i would google something, i would get all kinds of advertisement with youtube and hulu 20:21 < pi0> of the same product i just googled 20:21 < Kalium> free VPN's areprobably bad 20:22 < hehehe> More importantly, if you're not encrypting the entire disk, it becomes kidna easy for them to replace a lib or two so that when you enter the password to unlock /home, it gets emailed to them 20:22 < hehehe> hmm 20:22 < hehehe> so they have access to laptop then they do what? boot from usb and then 20:22 < hehehe> how they bypass existing root passwd? 20:22 < kamura> currently in the proccess of killing my dad 20:23 < Dagmar> ...and then install a trojan'd binary file or three, and put the laptop right back, and wait 20:23 < Kalium> if the drive is unencrypted they can just mount the drive 20:23 < pi0> i have been playing with ubuntu on virtualbox 20:23 < Kalium> the password doesn't exist, as far as the drive is concerned 20:23 < pi0> are there good tutorials for full disk encryption 20:23 < kamura> migrating my plex library from one server to another while he's sat between both 20:23 < Dagmar> hehehe: No one with physical access to an unencrypted laptop is going to have to even _worry_ about what the root password is 20:23 < Pentode> hehehe, boot it in single user mode? use a rescue disk? 20:23 < hehehe> I see 20:23 < Pentode> slide the hard drive out and plug it into another machine... 20:23 < kamura> if the sound doesn't get him the heat will 20:24 < Kalium> pi0: the Arch Linux Wiki has some good stuff on disk encryption, as usual 20:24 < Dagmar> pi0: If you're still at that level, just keep an eye out for the checkbox that tells it to encrypt everything when you do the install 20:24 < pi0> could the same techniques apply to raspberry pi? 20:24 < hehehe> Pentode: hmm fair point 20:24 < Dagmar> pi0: It's fairly easy to just enable it during installation time 20:24 < pi0> nice 20:24 < Kalium> oh, yeah, if you just want disk encryption the ubuntu installer makes it easy 20:25 < Dagmar> Irritatingly, it's slightly more polished in Ubuntu than it is with Debian 20:25 < hehehe> Kalium: is the default disk encryption = luks? 20:25 < pi0> but how about home directory encryption is that the same 20:25 < pi0> or is full disk and home directory encryption different 20:25 < Dagmar> Yes 20:25 < Kalium> hehehe: yeah, default for ubuntu is luks 20:25 < hehehe> now thanks to your explanation I can see the benefits of luks 20:26 < Kalium> home directory encryption will prevent anyone from seeing your files without the key, but the OS will be exposed. Full Disk means someone can't just boot your computer and change the OS 20:26 < hehehe> can I run disk encryption on ubuntu anytime? 20:26 < hehehe> hehe so simple 20:26 < Dagmar> ...and you can still use LUKS with /home. It's a different mechanism from encfs 20:27 < Dagmar> The only requirement is (somewhat obviously) that the /home directory be it's very own mount point and filesytem 20:27 < Kalium> hehehe: I've never tried after boot, no-one I know has ever tried either. 20:27 < hehehe> you could also add invisible seals to see if laptop case have been opened 20:27 < hehehe> to access bios 20:27 < Dagmar> encfs is the only mechanism that can operate opportunistically and doesn't need to encrypt an entire partition at once 20:28 < hehehe> however if you are in USA law may require you to give passwd 20:28 < hehehe> or jail 20:28 < Dagmar> Highly unlikely 20:28 < hehehe> Vera allows for deniable hidden vol 20:28 < Dagmar> If a cop starts asking about passwords, you don't answer them. Period. 20:28 < hehehe> so maybe then LUKS 20:28 < hehehe> and on LUKS drive Vera 20:28 < hehehe> :D 20:28 < hehehe> then it is secure 20:28 < Dagmar> You should *absolutely* have a lawyer answer that question. 20:29 < Dagmar> Not you. 20:29 < Dagmar> If *you* are the one being asked, then you can merrily say "eat me" 20:29 < hehehe> well no one asked me however I have heard they ask sometimes in airports 20:29 < Dagmar> I have laughed loud and long at them in airports 20:30 < hehehe> so did I and they did not admit me one time :D 20:30 < hehehe> told me to f off 20:30 < pi0> after the os has already been installed, can you still enable full disk encryption 20:30 < hehehe> yes if you are permanent resident then you can lol at them 20:30 < Dagmar> Tell them "where's my big check for being denied a flight due to airport incompetence" 20:30 < pi0> or would it be more difficult at that point 20:30 < Dagmar> You can, but it's going to be a PITA 20:30 < hehehe> Dagmar: true, insurance payout 20:31 < hehehe> Dagmar: yet last time I made a joke they called port director and cancelled my 'right' to enter visa free 20:31 < hehehe> :) 20:31 < Dagmar> hehehe: No, I mean in the US if you buy a ticket and the flight does't get you there within 4 hours of the stated arrival time at the time of purchase, they have to pay you a not inconsequential amount of money 20:31 < hehehe> and yes it is legal to do so 20:31 < pnbeast> Airports are insane. I like to carry flash drives with live distros and encrypted flash drives with data. They go right through the carry-on screen and stay with me. 20:31 < hehehe> Dagmar: how much? 20:31 < Dagmar> If the TSA attempts to extend their grasp far beyond their reach, that still applies 20:32 < hehehe> Dagmar: yes that all applies to permanent residents not to the visitors 20:32 < hehehe> however neat info 20:33 < Dagmar> You don't have to expend even a tiny bit of effort to annoy them 20:33 < Dagmar> Just say "no, i'm not giving you my password" 20:33 < Dagmar> They've got the resources for a brute force crack if they really, really want to read a filesystem 20:33 < hehehe> and they say fine you are not admited to US 20:33 < hehehe> lol 20:33 < hehehe> go back to canada etc 20:34 < Dagmar> Pfft. Find a dirt road like everyone else 20:35 < hehehe> also I am pretty sure it is a criminal offence not to give passwd to police in US 20:35 < hehehe> min 2 years in jail 20:35 < Dagmar> You would be wrong. 20:35 < Dagmar> Entirely and 100% wrong. 20:35 < Dagmar> A judge can compel someone explicitly to reveal a password with a search warrant 20:36 < Dagmar> That search warrant is required to have as it's basis, information that indicates actual evidence is inside that specific encrypted store 20:36 < Dagmar> They can't just be saying, "Well, we know they're up to something" and decide to include an encrypted storage device in the warrant 20:37 < Dagmar> Some random cop? No. Not a chance. It's been through the courts several times now. 20:37 < pi0> has anyone here use ubuntu mini 20:37 < rascul> they could always beat you with a pipe though 20:38 < Dagmar> If some checkpoint monkey wants to get butch and ask for the root password on your laptop, tell them "bring in someone qualified and maybe I'll consider it" 20:38 < pi0> its like 80 mg iso, is it possible to make fully disk encryption without x windows 20:38 < Dagmar> Someone who is actually qualified for the task will simply make an image copy of the disk and be done with it 20:38 < Dagmar> pi0: Nothing about LUKS requires a GUI 20:38 < hehehe> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/20/appeals_court_contempt_passwords/ 20:38 < hehehe> here 20:39 < Dagmar> hehehe: You don't listen very well, do you 20:39 < pi0> Dagmar: i see, so i should be googling luks ubuntu tutorials 20:39 < pi0> i am trying to find something to follow that i can do it on virtualbox 20:39 < Dagmar> pi0: Or just LUKS in general since it's not like Ubuntu wrote anything special for it 20:39 < hehehe> Dagmar: hmm I do 20:40 < hehehe> they need a warrant? 20:40 < hehehe> I will check actual law atm 20:40 < Dagmar> hehehe: They *had* a warrant in that case 20:40 < pi0> understood 20:40 < hehehe> I am pretty sure in US people have no legal rights to hide passwd 20:40 < Dagmar> hehehe: Full disclosure, I actually have to know this stuff, because it's part of what I'm generally doing for a living 20:40 < Pentode> hehehe, thats not true. 20:41 < Pentode> it's treated just like anything else that requires a search warrant 20:41 < hehehe> ok I may be wrong 20:41 < Dagmar> The investigators in that case had already established that the laptop in question very likely *did* contain child pornography, which is why they got a judge to sign a search order for the laptop 20:42 < Dagmar> They could not have gotten the search warrant just on the basis of "we imagine there might be something in there" 20:42 < hehehe> United Kingdom 20:42 < hehehe> The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA), Part III, activated by ministerial order in October 2007,[26] requires persons to decrypt information and/or supply keys to government representatives to decrypt information without a court order. Failure to disclose carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail, or five years in the cases of national security or child indecency. 20:42 < hehehe> in UK then can 20:42 < hehehe> my mistake 20:42 < hehehe> some activists were jailed for 2 years :P 20:42 < hehehe> in US they cant 20:43 < Dagmar> This has come after _repeatedly_ being tried in court and it requires something specifically indicating that there *will* be evidence inside the encrypted file store or device, becuase otherwise, such a search would likely be the equivalent of searching someone's entire life for the past N years 20:43 < Pentode> yeah the UK has very different laws in this regard. as far as i know they made some pretty specific changes in this regard recently, actually. 20:43 < hehehe> yes 20:43 < hehehe> so in US max they can do - refuse admission 20:43 < hehehe> unless a permanent resident 20:44 < Dagmar> Yeah but theyre not going to bother with that if you're boring and not being a d*ck 20:44 < hehehe> The Federal Bureau of Investigation may also issue national security letters that require the disclosure of keys for investigative purposes.[41] One company, Lavabit, chose to shut down rather than surrender its master private keys. 20:44 < hehehe> Dagmar: true :) 20:44 < Dagmar> If I can get through customs looking like a super-villain, you can get through a checkpoint without a fight by simply being reasonable and boring 20:45 < hehehe> yes 20:45 < hehehe> also on a related note - does any company sells min gps trackers that can fit into laptop? 20:45 < hehehe> or with a gps enabled hardware 20:45 < Pentode> the airports here are notoriously ornery 20:46 < hehehe> north airports are 20:46 < hehehe> I should of listen to my friend and went via south of US 20:46 < hehehe> :) 20:46 < Pentode> lol 20:47 < Dagmar> hehehe: Pretty much the smallest form-factor you're going to find there is a cell phone 20:47 < hehehe> Dagmar: there are car gps trackers that are smaller 20:47 < Dagmar> Yeah but the smallest they get is the size fo a pack of cigarettes 20:48 < hehehe> mask is as a charger? lol 20:48 < hehehe> fake charger 20:48 < Dagmar> Tomfoolery like that is how you get extra special strip searched 20:49 < hehehe> The STI_GL300 tracker gives you peace of mind by allowing you to track the whereabouts of anything or anyone, 24 hours a day. At only 2 ounces and 3 inches in length, 20:50 < Pentode> i've seen some gps modules the size of a pack of matches 20:50 < Pentode> naked ones, at least. 20:51 < hehehe> Pentode: those can be fitted in second hd drive space 20:51 < Pentode> yeah 20:51 < hehehe> mm 20:51 < hehehe> Pentode: is clever 20:51 < Pentode> may even be able to cram it into a pci-e spot 20:51 < hehehe> Pentode: what are those small ones called? 20:51 < Pentode> solder some leads and tack it to a power source somewhere.. 20:52 < hehehe> mhmhmh to the laptop battery source? 20:52 < hehehe> its better if it has own battery 20:52 < Pentode> https://www.adafruit.com/category/58 20:52 < Pentode> some of these have little coin cell battery compartments 20:53 < Pentode> you could modify one to power it from whatever you want i suppose 20:53 < hehehe> Ultimate GPS Module - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates - MTK3339 chipset 20:54 < hehehe> how come they are not in lenovo lAPTOps 20:54 < hehehe> I guess they want people to biuy more :D 20:54 < hehehe> not to track stolen one 20:54 < Pentode> lol 20:55 < hehehe> Pentode: I wonder how to fit them in a smartphone as well 20:55 < hehehe> then its 100% fine 20:55 < Pentode> would have to be pretty tiny 20:55 < hehehe> and LUKS + vera crypt public and hidden vol 20:55 < hehehe> :D 20:56 < Pentode> remember these sortof things are ultra low power, too. you'd have to experiment with placement. id imagine being under a laptop may be significant enough to block a signal 20:57 < Pentode> though you could make an antenna i suppose 20:57 < hehehe> sugar 20:57 < hehehe> yes run an antenna in laptop hinges 20:57 < Yamakaja> Is there a good way to see what the iptables state looks like / how much resources it consumes? 20:57 < hehehe> around hinges :D 20:57 < Yamakaja> I.e. open tcp connections, icmp requests and so on 20:58 < pi0> does vera require gui 20:58 < pi0> or can it be used command line 20:59 < hehehe> command is fine 20:59 < pi0> trying to find a luks tutorial, does it matter if it is years old, has a lot been changed in luks? 20:59 < hehehe> luks - I am yet to use 20:59 < pnbeast> pi0, a tutorial to do what? 21:00 < pi0> i have ubutnu 18.04 mini iso and virtualbox 21:00 < hehehe> Pentode: well phones are cheap so just encrypt phone I guess 21:00 < pi0> i would like to create a console only vm with ubuntu 21:00 < pi0> and vera 21:00 < hehehe> laptops - fit tracker 21:01 < hehehe> Psi-Jack: yes sometimes I am a bit sceptical yet I listed and adjust :D 21:01 < hehehe> *listen 21:02 < pi0> pnbeast: is there something i can use to accomplish that? 21:04 < jim> pi0, you're better off doing that with debian, ubuntu was designed as a gui installation 21:05 < pi0> nice i will do that, can you guide me to some tutorials 21:05 < jim> (once they copied a lot of stuff from debian :) 21:05 < jim> pi0, what do you want to do? install it? 21:05 < pnbeast> pi0, beats me, I just use encrypted external disks/flash drives. 21:06 < pi0> yes please, along with full disk encryption and vera 21:06 < pi0> no gui 21:06 < pi0> on virtualbox 21:06 < jim> can you boot a virtual box guest? 21:07 < pi0> yes 21:07 < pi0> jim: have you heard of ubuntu mini 21:08 < jim> ok... pretty much, all you have to do is boot a debian netinstall (and I don't think you would need any special firmware, just the standard netinstall) 21:08 < pi0> i think that might be almost like console debian, no gui, completely stripped 21:08 < jim> can you boot it? 21:08 < pi0> yep 21:09 < jim> I dunno what that installer does, if it's the same, then you should be able to create physical volumes for lucs 21:09 < pi0> oh i understand what you mean 21:10 < jim> but the thing is, I've not done an encrypted install 21:10 < pi0> during the installation process debian allows for luks volumes 21:10 < jim> yep 21:10 < pi0> oh i see 21:10 < jim> I'm sure of that, but (again) I've never done it myself 21:10 < pi0> i have been trying to find luks tutorials 21:11 < hehehe> ask in debian chan as well 21:11 < jim> there's not a lot to it 21:11 < hehehe> so far what I do - u also use keepass 21:11 < hehehe> and upload it to email box 21:11 < jim> is this ever going to not be virtual? 21:12 < jim> hehehe, Please spell out u as you... it would help folks who are here and are new english speakers, some don't hear u as a rhyme for you 21:13 < hehehe> jim lol this you thing :) we live in age where asics power AI 21:13 < dgurney> it also makes you look smarter 21:13 < hehehe> I feel its age of freedom 21:14 < hehehe> dgurney: yes to some people 21:15 < hehehe> I will consider this thing jim I am not against you just kinda strange :D 21:16 < jim> hehehe, it was easy... first I made a macro substitution facility for hexchat... then, plug postgres in and go! 21:16 < hehehe> https://instituteofcoding.org/ 21:16 < hehehe> jim: yes it is easy however if you start to cater to every whim of fellow people do you see where it may lead too? 21:16 < hehehe> :) 21:16 < hehehe> some may say wear yellow trousers etc lol 21:17 < hehehe> i feel irc could be simple don't like what people say don't read it :) 21:17 < hehehe> already educational sector in US is in decline due to PC 21:17 < hehehe> political correctness 21:18 < dgurney> how did we get here 21:18 < hehehe> no idea lol 21:18 < pnbeast> hehehe, do you have Linux questions? Why are you babbling incoherently? 21:18 < hehehe> pnbeast: no need 21:18 < hehehe> if you dont like u that is your issue 21:18 < hehehe> no one else 21:19 < hehehe> what is it with trying to force one phobias onto fellow people lol 21:19 < pnbeast> Maybe you can get counseling or other treatment to help you. Good luck! 21:19 < bls> it has nothing to do with us liking it or not, it has to do with accomodating people that don't know English or English shorthand 21:19 < hehehe> bls that have been discussed many times - some older people here prefer you 21:19 < hehehe> 0 to do with accommodating people 21:20 < bls> then I suggest you go to #linux-ops and tell them you're rewriting the channel rules for them 21:20 < hehehe> nah 21:20 < hexnewbie> hehehe: That ‘you’ should be in quotes, otherwise the meaning is totally lost. 21:20 < hehehe> i wanted to share link to institute of coding 21:21 < hehehe> seems like an interesting initiative 21:21 < bls> it has an interesting side effect though. people that aren't really here for linux questions like to argue about it. 21:21 < hehehe> bls now can you move on? 21:22 < hehehe> I also did check it does not seems that ubuntu allows LUKS after install 21:22 < hehehe> at least I am yet to see it 21:22 < pi0> darnits 21:22 < bls> you can add LUKS onto a disk at any time you want. ubuntu isn't going to prevent it 21:23 < pi0> no worries i will remove and reinstall 21:23 < hehehe> cool 21:23 < dgurney> everything allows luks after install, you might just need to do it from a live media 21:23 < pi0> like additional work around you mean 21:23 < pi0> i am still try to google a workable tutorial 21:24 < hehehe> will LUKS work with EFI ? 21:24 < dgurney> yes 21:25 < hehehe> https://superuser.com/questions/649091/uefi-and-full-disk-encryption-with-lvm-on-luks 21:25 < hehehe> reading :) 21:26 < hexnewbie> hehehe: If you already have encryption setup (as your first messages here seemed to indicate), I would not go around changing it (other than, possibly, placing swap and /tmp on encrypted volume) 21:26 < mavorsa> Using XFCE, with the whisker menu, i'm trying to run a certain terminal command with the ! prefix, and then once it's finished executing, the terminal should close. however, it seems to close the terminal before its finished executing. i use the & after the command, and ive also tried using && but it doesn't seem to work. any ideas? 21:26 < hehehe> hexnewbie: well that luks entire drive encryption makes sense 21:27 < hehehe> preventing people from booting and adding 3rd party binaries 21:27 < bls> mavorsa: not sure what you mean by "! prefix" but you shouldn't need & or && 21:27 < pi0> https://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/howto-linux-hard-disk-encryption-with-luks-cryptsetup-command/ 21:27 < pi0> this tutorial is this before or after 21:27 < pi0> the os has been installed 21:28 < jim> try booting it 21:29 < hehehe> pi0: nice one 21:29 < jim> if it boots and you can enter the luks pw, you're done 21:29 < mavorsa> bls: there are certain prefixes to execute searches, such as google, wikipedia, etc, that the whisker menu's search function supports. using ! before a command executes a terminal command, and this does work as intended. however, I'm executing a terminal command that basically brings up mpv player and streams a twitch feed. the terminal stays open while its streaming. im wanting the process to detach and close the terminal once it's successful. what's the b 21:30 < hehehe> is LUKS vulnerable in case of 0 day linux kernel exploits? 21:30 < dgurney> that depends entirely on the exploit 21:31 < hehehe> true 21:31 < hexnewbie> A potential exploit affecting LUKS sounds like the kind of exploit that would affect all disk crypto solutions simultaneously. 21:32 < dgurney> indeed 21:32 < hehehe> yes true 21:32 < pnbeast> mavorsa, in certain programs, typing "! Er, "!" 21:33 < bls> this sounds like an issue with this whisker menu thing more than an issue with shell syntax 21:33 < hehehe> the solution - say exchange cold wallets - air gaped machine with hardware firewall blocking all incoming - just to send data to network 21:33 < hehehe> and log off 21:33 < hehehe> :) 21:33 < hehehe> air gaped and 24/7 cctv monitored + physical security on site 21:33 < dgurney> gaped machine? god, what do you do with your hardware? 21:33 < mavorsa> pnbeast: i believe in this case, the whisker menu uses it to open a terminal first, insert the command and execute it. that is my guess, since the terminal does open and it stays open running the command. 21:34 < hehehe> dgurney: have you read about south korean exchange hack? 21:34 < hehehe> in the news 21:34 < lnnb> did they have to restore from backups? 21:34 < pnbeast> mavorsa, I see. That I am not familiar with. Good luck. 21:35 < hehehe> Innb nah it looks like they lost da coins, did not use cold storage properly 21:35 < lnnb> "lost" 21:35 < michaelrose> anyone familiar with a root zfs pool + luks? 21:36 < hexnewbie> hehehe: 1) Get a time machine, 2) Travel with your computer to a few million years ago. 3) PROFIT. Nobody can get in it now. (You can even safely watch the porn outdoors, if you aren't concerned about getting eaten by velociraptors) 21:36 < dgurney> I guess you missed my joke about you misspelling gapped 21:36 < hehehe> lol 21:36 < hehehe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rgGEkI510Q 21:36 < hehehe> my man 21:37 < hehehe> after cabin is built, install LUKS lol 21:39 < pi0> ha! 21:39 < pi0> if you can get power there 21:39 < pi0> to even boot the laptop 21:40 < hexnewbie> michaelrose: Root on ZFS is not recommended. If anything happens to your ZFS utilities, pool cache files or kernel modules, you won't be able to boot. Things as simple as an OS upgrade, or power failure during kernel security update, may make your system unbootable. 21:42 < hehehe> pi0: hydro generator ;) 21:42 < hehehe> jim: are you watching it? :D 21:43 < hehehe> its like analog of linus making kernel by himself only he did not 21:43 < jim> I'm actually out the door :) 21:44 < hehehe> this is true man! :D 21:44 < pnbeast> You must have a wireless keyboard. 21:45 < bipul> Hello anyone help me to find out the 1st pattern https://regex101.com/r/ai3PT9/1 21:48 < pnbeast> Wow, that crappy website actually redirects to a whole webpage dedicated to explaining how to enable JS in different browsers. 21:48 < pnbeast> bipul, O'Reilly used to have a large book with extensive detail on various regex engines, in case you're interested. I know you're not, but I thought I'd try, anyway. 21:49 < bipul> I'm like studying regular expression. 21:50 < pnbeast> Then the O'Reilly book would be like great! 21:50 < bipul> Even i would love if you can get me the guide to convert regex into finite state Automataa 21:50 < bipul> And vice versa 21:51 < jim> one thing about regilar expressioins... can't do anything like parentheses... 21:51 < bipul> How would i convert my regex code into DFA(Determinastic Finite state automata) 21:52 < jim> so you can't do (), (((()()))), 21:52 < bipul> Actully i was trying to solve this https://regex.sketchengine.co.uk/cgi/ex3.cgi 21:52 < jim> html tags... kinda like parentheses... 21:52 < bipul> jim, Sorry i don't get you. 21:52 < bipul> ? 21:52 < pnbeast> bipul, then you might prefer a text from a "theory of computing" course. That will focus on DFA stuff a lot more. The O'Reilly book may not even mention automata. 21:53 < bipul> pnbeast, I'm familiar with fundamental BRE and ERE 21:53 < jim> bipul, any language that has parenthese or something like it, is not a "regular" language, so at the very least, doing those kinds of things will be hard 21:53 < bipul> Okay 21:55 < Ameisen> Is there a more powerful terminal-based editor that's similar to nano/edit, and not vim/emacs? 21:55 < Drakonan> ok so how do i get minicom to connect to my serial port? 21:55 < Drakonan> i see the config looks right for it but idk how to choose where its looking 21:55 < michaelrose> hexnewbie, been doing this for a while now it seems to be fine 21:55 < ghosalmartin> anyone know a channel to talk about bluetooth subsystem? or will here do? 21:56 < pnbeast> Ameisen, pico is very similar to nano. 21:56 < michaelrose> hexnewbie, I'm just trying to figure out how to arrange it to mount the luks devices prior to importing the pool 21:56 < pnbeast> In fact... 21:56 < Drakonan> weird it seems to auto onncet to it but something must be wrong the baud rate is right 21:57 < hehehe> Pio: does luks works now? 21:58 < hehehe> I plan to install it too 21:59 < pi0> tryin 21:59 < hehehe> where are you at? 22:00 < hehehe> maybe easier - copy all flies to usb , reinstall ubuntu and copy them to ready luks drive? 22:00 < pnbeast> bipul, I played for a little bit and made a regex that matches the first column and not the second! Do I get a prize? 22:00 < pi0> well the thing is that i am trying to do this on a virtualbox 22:00 < pi0> i killed my previous attempt 22:01 < pi0> and rebooting the os again 22:01 < bipul> pnbeast, You will just add to your knowledge. 22:02 < pnbeast> bipul, I didn't really add to it. I just, well, exercised it. 22:02 < pi0> hehehe: which os were you going to try 22:02 < bipul> Yes, :) that's what i meant 22:03 < pnbeast> bipul, excellent. I think it might have been better with a text description of what the columns can/cannot contain, but my regex is complete across the sample strings. 22:04 < bipul> Between it's nice website where i can take help to draw space state diagram 22:04 < bipul> https://regexper.com/ 22:04 < Drakonan> Can a linux expert help me figure out what im missing i think i dont have the knowledge for some piece of this im following the insrtuctions exactly but idk i must be using a newer version of something that must be slightly different 22:07 < Drakonan> http://wiki.espressobin.net/tiki-index.php?page=Boot+from+removable+storage+-+OpenWrt 22:08 < Drakonan> im here and followed the insrtuction verbatim but when i go to run bootmmc it says file not found boot/Image 22:08 < Drakonan> file not found fdt.dtb 22:11 < Drakonan> ok i think i missed something the first time sadly its just continually rebooting 22:15 < darkmeson> two things irt the veracrypt vs luks discussion 22:16 < darkmeson> firstly, cryptsetup can handle opening VC/TC volumes, so either one will be about as simple as the other once created and the relevant configuration options set in the distro 22:17 < Drakonan> anyone have an espresso bin?!?!?!?1 22:18 < darkmeson> the other thing is that, afaik, veracrypt/truecrypt is the only portable encryption we have. You'd have to use it if you wanted to multi-boot Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, and others from the same FDE-encrypted disk for instance 22:19 < darkmeson> the audit of the truecrypt code actually turned up nothing major, so either one is PROBABLY about as good as the other, and which you'd use is totally up to preference 22:20 < hehehe> pi0 lubuntu :D 22:20 < hehehe> : ))) 22:20 < Drakonan> it just keeps repeating over and over again any idae what i need to do? https://pastebin.com/ajFFgQX6 22:21 < darkmeson> Drakonan: you might find ##hardware or ##electronics (I think there's an openwrt-specific room too) helpful for things like that 22:21 < Psi-Jack> Drakonan: pastebin.com is frowned upon due to many issues they themselves have caused. Pastes being reformatted, malvertising, adblock blocking, being blocked due to many reasons. See /topic for the channel's official pastebin. 22:22 < Psi-Jack> Drakonan: And ?!?!?!??1 doesn't help anything. Just sayin. 22:22 < Drakonan> do you have an alternative 22:22 < Psi-Jack> See /topic 22:22 < Drakonan> idc what pastebin that used to be the way we did it 22:22 < Psi-Jack> English is also preferred. :p 22:22 < Drakonan> https://paste.linux.community/view/d46e149f 22:23 < Drakonan> i have asked in openwrt but this isn't openwrt i dont believe 22:23 < darkmeson> Drakonan: pastebin.com blocks Tor afair, so you pretty much guarantee no Tor user will help you by using it 22:24 < Drakonan> that's fine i really dont care what paste url i use 22:24 < Psi-Jack> Well, tor users are immaterial anyway. :p 22:24 < Drakonan> whatever is best for yall 22:24 < Drakonan> just trying to get the question out there 22:25 < darkmeson> Psi-Jack: nope, we just value our privacy :P 22:25 < rascul> eww privacy 22:25 < darkmeson> Drakonan: it's not finding any usb devices connected 22:26 < Drakonan> i dont have any so that isnt a problem for me 22:26 < pi0> do ppl usually jump from vpn 2 vpn for added security? 22:26 < Psi-Jack> darkmeson: The irony of your statement. :) 22:26 < Drakonan> im trying to boot directly off the mmc and it detects that 22:26 < Psi-Jack> You're on IRC. You have no privacy. :p 22:26 < darkmeson> s/usb devices/usb storage devices/ 22:26 < Psi-Jack> pi0: "people" 22:26 < Drakonan> it detects it... if i do mmcinfo i get 22:26 < Drakonan> and if i do ext4ls i get all the file structure 22:27 < Sveta> kwin crashes with segfault, whats a similar wm to try? 22:27 < Sveta> it doesnt let me debug 22:27 < pi0> irc does not offer any type of privacy 22:27 < pi0> besides freenode are there other huge irc networks 22:27 < darkmeson> Psi-Jack: ah, but I do. anyone who can link me to this pseudonymous identity also knows that I'll sue them in a heartbeat for disseminating it without my permission, and I take steps to ensure that that's the only way for it to be disseminated 22:28 < Psi-Jack> darkmeson: YOu mean the identity you had to use an email address in order to register your nickname with and identify to to simply have access to communicate in this channel? 22:28 < Psi-Jack> Bazinga! 22:28 < darkmeson> basically, using Tor all but guarantees that they can't prove it, which means they'd end up on the wrong side of a slander, defamation, or libel suit 22:28 < michaelrose> darkmeson, on what basis would you sue? 22:28 < Umeaboy> How is it possible for make to NOT see a file that locate sees? 22:29 < Psi-Jack> darkmeson: Oh, and sue? Yeah. You'd waste money on an already loosing case that no lawyer would even take, :) 22:29 < michaelrose> darkmeson, hahahahahaha you know you can't sue anon right? 22:29 < Umeaboy> Here's the make error: https://hastebin.com/nilujaleji.pl 22:29 < EugenA> how can I run root cronjob "wmctrl -l" go get open windows for user "eugen" ? 22:29 < pi0> can you vpn then tor? 22:29 < Umeaboy> And here's what locate says: https://hastebin.com/iqapiriqux 22:29 < mouses> Umeaboy: assuming you are using GNU make... you can skip a file by changing the makefile - SRC_FILES = $(filter-out src/bar.cpp, $(wildcard src/*.cpp)) 22:30 < mouses> that would filter *.cpp from the make, for example 22:30 < michaelrose> darkmeson, you would have to prove actual damages and further that they were lying or acting with reckless disregard for the truth. Actually believing with good reason that you are connected with your psuedonym would dismantle any libel/slander suit 22:30 < Psi-Jack> darkmeson: Sorry, but you sound like one of those bafoons that cry out "sahcyuritaaahh", but knows nothing about actual security or privacy. :) 22:31 < darkmeson> michaelrose: let me be clear. I never say my real name online, and all sensitive documents go directly to offline media that sits on the shelf most of the time 22:31 < ShapeShifter499> hi 22:31 < Umeaboy> mouses: I'd like to assume that AOSP/Lineage use GNU Make. 22:32 < mouses> Umeaboy: i'm not sure 22:32 < Umeaboy> Any way to tell? 22:32 < darkmeson> that means the only people who know are people I know irl, and it wouldn't be that hard to figure out which was the leak 22:32 < Umeaboy> make --help ? 22:32 < michaelrose> darkmeson, I'm saying that you can't realisticly threaten anyone to keep your secret safe 22:32 < michaelrose> your threats are based in failure to understand libel/slander laws 22:33 < michaelrose> truth is an absolute defense in the states anyway for one 22:33 < darkmeson> Psi-Jack: if it keeps your ego sufficiently inflated to believe everyone else a clueless idiot, then by all means, continue. I don't care :P 22:34 < darkmeson> michaelrose: you've obviously never heard of FUD 22:34 < darkmeson> even the threat of lawsuits is enough to keep people from doing the wrong things most of the time 22:34 < darkmeson> the rest is mostly a matter of making sure you only tell people you can trust to begin with 22:34 < jim> darkmeson, please don't start fights 22:35 < michaelrose> so you think you can intimidate people smart enough to figure out who you are but too dumb to google 22:35 < darkmeson> and in any case, as I'd said previously, it's mostly a matter of ensuring I don't find myself on the wrong end of information asymmetry before the system self-corrects for it 22:37 < darkmeson> pi0: you'd probably want to Tor and then VPN. doing it the other way around still leaves you vulnerable to the VPN provider eavesdropping. but for most people just a VPN or Tor alone is probably fine 22:38 < darkmeson> michaelrose: smart people aren't aggressive, and aggressive people aren't smart. do with that what you will, but this is highly offtopic and has been for a while 22:40 < michaelrose> you can't say nonsense things and then reply that it is offtopic lol but ok 22:41 < notmike> you can do whatever you want in this post-truth world 22:41 < pi0> gotcha 22:47 < darkmeson> michaelrose: I'll tell you like I told the other user. Find a good security group or two and get schooled 22:48 < darkmeson> This isn't the time or the place, and I certainly have nothing to prove to any random internet person 22:58 < hans_> when i set GRUB_TIMEOUT to 1, it starts counting from 3, any idea why? 22:58 < hans_> GRUB 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.18 , on ubuntu 16.04-server edition 23:02 < kamura> oh man 23:02 < kamura> thought I'd lost my password manager db 23:02 < kamura> never felt closer to death 23:03 < iceb0x_> back that shit up 23:03 < iceb0x_> :> 23:03 < darkmeson> hans_: did you run update-grub afterward? 23:04 < hans_> darkmeson, yes. also, setting it to 3 also makes it count from 3 23:06 < darkmeson> The boot sector of the boot device isn't getting updated for some reason, most likely 23:07 < darkmeson> Excuse me, it's grub2, so it might not be pulling its configuration from the right partition or somethng 23:07 < weaksauce> is there a way to find out which files bash is loading for the config? setting bash as a shell and then opening up a terminal sources something completely different than if I call bash from inside that shell. (this is a mac for full disclosure but i figured someone here would know) 23:10 < darkmeson> hans_: you can manually force an update if you know the right device with 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && grub-install /dev/sdX' and see if that helps 23:12 < darkmeson> weaksauce: 'bash --verbose' afair 23:12 < hans_> nvm, turns out the setting in /etc/default/grub was being overwritten by a later config file, figured it out now :) 23:12 < weaksauce> darkmeson can you set your shell to that command? 23:12 < weaksauce> does chsh take extra arguments 23:13 < darkmeson> make a test user, set it to it, and see ;) 23:14 < weaksauce> will try 23:14 < Loshki> weaksauce: 'man bash' and 'man chsh'. The come back and ask... 23:15 < weaksauce> well lucky for me i already did that... it's just not loading the file i expect from the docs and throws an error that i can't find in any bash config file 23:16 < Loshki> weaksauce: the exact text of the error message? 23:17 < weaksauce> -bash: /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper_bashrc: No such file or directory 23:18 < Loshki> weaksauce: and does virtualenvwrapper_bashrc appear in any of your bash startup files? Your man page should tell you what these files are. Note that files can include other files, but that's where you start. 23:20 < weaksauce> Loshki i did check the usual suspects... i only have a bashrc right now. doing a grep of all the files in my home directory and etc doesn't list that string anywhere 23:20 < darkmeson> weaksauce: you'll typically have to make a wrapper script to pass in arguments to a shell, which may or may not also involve adding it to /etc/shells depending on system configuration 23:21 < darkmeson> that's not something you'd typically want to experiment with on an active user in any case, and you'd typically avoid it for everything other than highly temporary testing like this because of all of the security implications 23:22 < darkmeson> weaksauce: /etc/profile*, /etc/\*bashrc\* 23:23 < Loshki> weaksauce: there are only a few places that bash reads automatically on startup (not sure if it's at all standard between Linuxes, which is why you have to read your *own* man page) and they in turn source other stuff. Try verbose as someone suggested, and if all else fails, there's a bash debugger (which I've never used, preferring to read through bashrc files). Also note that a login shell runs different startups to a non-login shell. 23:26 < jim> weaksauce: when bash reads which startup file, should be in man bash in the FILES section 23:27 < jim> it's a short read 23:27 < jim> (unlike the rest of the man page) 23:31 < darkmeson> if all else fails, 'strace -f -o /tmp/bash.strace bash', type 'exit', and 'grep open /tmp/bash.strace' 23:32 < fr0tzed> github.com/androidhardening. Guy please archive Copperhead OS before james will take it down! 23:33 < weaksauce> darkmeson so when i type bash at a bash prompt it loads the .bashrc file like i'd expect 23:33 < weaksauce> this is just when it's starting up a new instance of a terminal or tab 23:33 < darkmeson> fr0tzed: why don't you just fork it yourself as a github user? 23:35 < fr0tzed> darkmeson, because James the ceo, is sending DMCA claims.. 23:35 < darkmeson> then you're asking people to commit potential copyright infringement here, why, exactly? 23:39 < fr0tzed> darkmeson, I see you don't know the story 23:39 < fr0tzed> see: https://www.reddit.com/r/CopperheadOS/comments/8qdnn3/goodbye/ 23:41 < fr0tzed> and: https://twitter.com/DanielMicay/status/1006961868412473351 23:41 < michaelrose> the DMCA claims are total nonsense 23:41 < phinxy> Is it not the usual internal disagreement and forking happening? 23:41 < michaelrose> its using the DMCA to shut down speech not keep people from copying 23:42 < michaelrose> essentially there are only 2 parties involved a business guy and a programmer, the programmer purports to actually own all the ip and both are half owners of the company 23:42 < michaelrose> the business guy and the programmer disagree on the direction of the company and the business guy believes he can fire the person who did all the work, owns half the company, and all the IP 23:42 < fr0tzed> both own 50%, James the bussiness guy kicked Daniel the programmer without a reason. 23:43 < fr0tzed> James is now trying to claim the code 23:43 < michaelrose> the programmer claims to have created some of the code prior to entering the business relationship and to have never assigned any of it to the company 23:44 < michaelrose> so he either half owns the IP or owns all of it 23:45 < darkmeson> that's still too many layers of legally dubious 23:46 < fr0tzed> at's still too many layers of legally dubiou 23:46 < fr0tzed> lol 23:46 < fr0tzed> https://github.com/yegortimoshenko/copperhead-takeover 23:47 < darkmeson> well, if you want to find people who care about "freedom" and have no qualms with potential copyright infringement, you're in the wrong place 23:48 < darkmeson> Most of that sort likes to hang their hats on i2p or Tor. darknets are "only used by criminals" after all :) 23:49 < Dagmar> *many* 23:51 < NewbProgrammer10> Should I read the whole man page for bash? 23:51 < NewbProgrammer10> Is it worth it? 23:52 < MrElendig> yes 23:52 < morf> no :) 23:53 < morf> (but otherwise yes) 23:54 < jim> NewbProgrammer10, maybe you'd like the bash info page better, it's easier to read 23:54 < MrElendig> read the wooledge bash guide 23:55 < jim> NewbProgrammer10, what languages do you want to learn? 23:55 < MrElendig> /q phrik bashguide 23:56 < michaelrose> darkmeson, what copyright infringement? Pretty sure the creator of IP and co owner of IP can't infringe 23:57 < jim> NewbProgrammer10, for new folks, I usually recommend they get good at the shell they want to use, and also a scripting language like python, perl or lua 23:58 < michaelrose> darkmeson, did you not notice the part where the creator is sending takedowns to anyone talking about his nonsense? Because we don't actually punish people for sending false take downs 23:58 < weaksauce> darkmeson the strace thing worked and i am dumb --- Log closed Mon Jun 18 00:00:02 2018